Maggie's Page

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Hi my name is maggie and I guess this is where I explain all about me...but why would you want to hear about me?? I am just another of many lives and as is with most people I have a long dramatic story behind my name, but isn't that the way it is with most people? I mean everyone on this goddamned planet thinks their life is the worst possible thing ever and it just angers people when they complain about what they have been through cuz then the person listening is just thinking "they don't have room to talk" if everyone would just shut up everybody would at least act happy. But as usual everyone does things the hard way and won't take the time to shut the fuck up. So without one of those dumbass long stories let me do this briefly so you aren't like, "oh please, maggie babbles too much...does she ever think about anyone but herself?" because I know thats what people think because thats what I was thinking when I read your webpage and thats what inspired me to write this god damn peice of shit!! But anyway...


I am 14

I can draw

And I like fairys, unicorns and esp. dragons.

this is my dragon...

My draggy!
I got my draggy at!!!