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This page is in dedication to a wonderful woman whom I and many others, had the priviledge to call a friend.

On Sunday July 6th, 2003, a very dear friend of mine passed away. Katlynn is married to Wayne and has a daughter whom we refer to as "kitten", just like Kat did.

Wayne, this page is to symbolise the love that I and others have for Katlynn. I am so sorry for your loss and I know that words will never take away the sorrow and heartache that you are experiencing. You are both in my heart and thoughts and I wish there was something I could do to help you both. Katlynn will be protecting you both and she will never be without you.

Katlynn's heart was the purest and she touched a lot of people with her words, courage and strength. In your passing Kat, you have left an empty space that will not be filled. I have been blessed in knowing you and having you in my life as a friend. I remember your words of fun and the way that you just would not give up on life. You showed us all how to be human, you never held a grudge, you never got nasty and you showed that a problem shared, is a problem halfed. You overcame all problems and still kept on smiling. You are an example to us all and one that I hope many will learn from. You have taught us that life is too short and not to take anything for granted.

I am selfish in the fact that I want you back with us, with Wayne and kitten. I know that you are now walking with your Angels, sharing with them your joy and your passion. I wish you were walking here with us instead and sharing it once more with me, with us.

Kat, words can not express how much I will miss you. Your heart touched everyone who came into contact with you. I am missing you greatly already. I know that you are someone whom I will never forget. I will miss your words, your joy and your happy-go-lucky spirit. Girlfriend, I miss you.

I pray that you are free and that you are surrounded in White Light. I also send that White Light to Wayne and kitten and hope that it will give them some strength and courage to help them through this terrible time. Their grief is our pain. Their loss is our sadness. Fly safe Kat and remember that you are always loved.
May you rest in peace Angel.

Your friend forever
Wendy aka raptorgal

bar_mauve2.jpg - 1462 Bytes Wayne, I have included the 1st Corinthians chapter, 13 verse 4-7, that you told us are Kats favorite and her words to live by. I hope that, within time, you will read this page and smile knowing how loved Katlynn was by a lot of people.

1st Corinthians chapter, 13 verse 4-7

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

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And now the angel flies...
This is the heavest my heart has felt in a very long time.
I am so very, very sorry for this family, and I will pray that they don't drown in sorrow.

Kats preoccupaton was angels, it just fits so well.....Blush

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I was so sad to hear about Katlynn. I once said to her that everything happens for a reason, which I something that I truly believe, but sometimes it is so hard to get past the sadness and see what that reason is.

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In life, people tend to forget the things that are important.
In life, pettiness, unhappiness and dicontent grab hold of our everyday existence.

Then something as tragic as what happened to Katlynn occurs and the sadness and the sentiment flow.

Please remember every minute of everyday that goes past, is something that can never be replaced.

Katlynn was well respected and loved by many in this family we call DDU/L, always remember her that way and think and pray often for her husband and child.
Katlynn you are already missed.


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Sometimes God calls His Angels home too soon. Katlynn was definitely one of His most beloved Angels. My heart goes out to Wayne and Kitten. I can't even begin to imagine what her mother is going through after losing Kat's father not that long ago. You all are in my prayers. There is so much that could be said about this beautiful woman, but the tears won't stop flowing just now.

We will all miss you Katlynn. You have your wings and halo now Angel.


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wayne and kitten

im so sorry for your loss.

kat was a beatifull person and allways had a kind word for everyone!

she will be deeply missed by all of us here and on all the other groups she was on!

you will be in our prayers and in our thoughts.
may god watch over kat and make sure she will be in peace and may god watch over you and kitten and allow kat to be your personal guardian angel to guide ya and help the pain be less for you and your daughter god bless to you and kitten


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I don't know what to say.

Wayne, my deepest sympathy to you and yours. She will live on in your hearts and in many of ours.


bar_mauve2.jpg - 1462 Bytes Hmmmm...i guess i have to say that i have had great difficulty in posting about Katlynn. Sometimes i read her past emails to me and i think 'god..just one month ago she was writing to me.' i think this makes it even harder to deal with.

And i think what is even worse is..i was missing out on so much of what was onlist due to my own RL issues, that somewhow, i missed that she was even sick. i wrote a post of 'Katlynn..where are you? i miss you'...thinking she was just staying away for some reason. i didn't know.

Then when Wayne wrote and said she was doing better....i was hopeful...i did not think she was at death's door.

i still cannot read Wayne's posts....and i have not been able to go to Katlynn's dedication site yet. i will..but not yet.

But...i guess i will just say this. Dawn....from the bottom of my heart...this is exactly what i would have said. Yes...she has her true halo and wings now....something she always wanted.

Katlynn was so pure...she was the best.

As you probably all know, she loved the emoticons and blinkies. i will continue to post as i did when she was responding, because i know that she loved that.

Katlynn and i became close when she was going through the thing with her father's passing. i knew she was a way that's hardly describeable. In those conversations, i cried with her. i was not necessarily crying because i was recalling my own father's death...rather, i was crying because i knew how she felt in her situation. i really cried for her...not my father...not her father.

But anyway...i know Katlynn would never want us to sit here and grieve. She did her best to overcome her own grief with her father. She did not withdraw....she accepted...through her grief. i will too.

i looked high and low for an emoticon for her and DDU and i did come up with something. i think she would have liked here it is...
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Do you see her? She is looking over all of us.

The other night, as i drove home from work, it was a gray day but as i drove home, somehow, i saw this ray of sunshine peek through the clouds. i said 'is that you Katlynn...looking down on me?' i knew it was her...she is always with us...she will always matter where she is.

Katlynn would not want us to grieve. She would want us to go on, as she tried to even through her grief with her father. And we will....but i don't think any one of us will ever forget.

Yep Dawn, she has her wings and halo now. She is our angel. We were certainly blessed...angel.gif - 34900 Bytes


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Thanks to Kat for showing me how to use smilies;

Her gift to me was small but so much appreciated, and now used to pass on smiles to so many others, that small gift has already reached a far ranging audience.

I hope when my time comes that I might know that I have also left behind some lasting legacies, some little acts of goodwill and kindness, that will continue to have far reaching effects. To me, that is a mark of a successful life.

And compassion flying its way to Wayne and Barbara. I know nothing can lessen the pain right now, just know that others are thinking of you.

with all respect,

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Sometimes in life,
you find a special friend;
Someone who changes your life
just by being part of it.
Someone who makes you laugh
until you can't stop;
Someone who makes you believe
that there really is good in the world.
Someone who convinces you
that there really is an unlocked door,
just waiting for you to open it.
This is Forever Friendship.
When you're down,
and the world seems dark and empty,
Your forever friend lifts you up in spirit
and makes that dark and empty world,
suddenly seem bright and full.
Your forever friend gets you through
the hard times, the sad times,
and the confused times.
If you turn and walk away,
your forever friend follows.
If you lose your way,,
your forever friend guides you
and cheers you on.
Your forever friend holds your hand
and tells you that ,
everything is going to be okay.
And if you find such a friend,
you feel happy and complete,
because you need not worry.
You have a forever friend for life,
and forever has no end.
By Anonymous

Dedicated by Lynn, Tom and Jules
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Crossing Over

When my time comes to leave this earth
When all of my chores are through
I have no fear of crossing over
And my friend, neither should you
I believe when the soul leaves the body
That I will not be there all alone
I know that I will be met by angels
To show me the way to God's home
I believe that I will be greeted
By all the loved ones who've gone before me
It will be a joyous reunion
To again see my family
So do not have any fear of death
For the angels will come to greet you
With open arms and filled with love
That's what happens when your work is through.

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My Angel In Heaven

We may no longer be together,
as you're not here with me anymore.
But I still feel you deep in my heart,
just the same as it was before.
For I could never forget my love,
or my beautiful memories of you.
And I know that even in Heaven,
you still recall those memories too.
When I gaze up at Heaven to you,
and you look down on me.
Our smiles light up the whole sky,
for all of Heaven and Earth to see.
Our love will always live on,
as our souls will forever be connected.
God made our cherished souls immortal,
so our love for each other, would be protected.
Knowing that you are at peace,
brings comfort to my sad heart.
And I know God will take care of you,
now that we are apart.
Until we are together again,
and sharing our heavenly home.
I will always have my Angel in Heaven,
smiling down on me, and never be alone.
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A Letter From Heaven

To my dearest family, some things I'd like to say.
But first of all, to let you know, that I arrived okay.
I'm writing this from Heaven.
Here I dwell with God above.
Here, there's no more tears of sadness;
here is just eternal love.
Please do not be unhappy just because I'm out of sight.
Remember that I am with you every morning, noon and night.
That day I had to leave you
when my life on earth was through.
God picked me up and hugged me
and said, "I welcome you.
It's good to have you back again,
you were missed while you were gone.
As for your dearest family,
they'll be here later on.

There's so much that we have to do,
to help our mortal man."
God gave me a list of things,
that he wished for me to do.
And foremost on the list,
was to watch and care for you.
And when you lie in bed at night,
the day's chores put to flight.
God and I are closest to you...
in the middle of the night.

When you think of my life on earth,
and all those loving years.
Because you are only human,
they are bound to bring you tears.
But do not be afraid to cry:
it does relieve the pain.
Remember there would be no flowers,
unless there was some rain.

I wish that I could tell you all that God has planned.
If I was to tell you , you wouldn't understand.
But one thing is for certain, through my life on earth is over.
I'm closer to you now, than I ever was before.
There are many rocky roads ahead of you
and many hills to climb;
But together we can do it by taking one day at a time.

It was always my philosophy and I'd like it for you too;
that as you give unto the world, the world will give to you.
If you can help somebody who's in sorrow and in pain;
Then you can say to God at night....
"my day was not in vain."

And now I am contented....
that my life was worthwhile.
Knowing as I passed along the way
I made somebody smile.
So if you meet somebody
who is sad and feeling low;
Just lend a hand to pick him up,
as on your way you go.

When you're walking down the street
and you've got me on your mind;
I'm walking in your footsteps
only half a step behind.
And when it's time for you to go....
from that body to be free.
Remember you're not going...
your coming here to me.

Here are three poems I found for Kat's web page. I find words hard to say at times like this, they never seem adequate. I honestly believe that Kat has found her way to a beautiful, pain free existence, where she will continue her special brand of love and caring for everyone she came in contact with either in the physical or in our cyber world.


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Please click here for a Dedication to Katlynn sent in by Ros

Please click here for a Dedication to Katlynn sent in by Kathy.

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