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Baby Makers/Bakers Secret Santa Page!


Happy Holidays! It's that wonderful time of year again, and these days the message of peace and love is more important than ever. "Santa" is all about the spirit of giving, so everyone, whatever belief or faith, is invited to join in and be a Secret Santa in the 2nd Annual Baby Makers/Bakers Secret Holiday Buddy Program!

The instructions are pretty simple:

* Create a free "secret" email account. If you want, you can use last year's email address -- or, if you forgot it, you can create a new one. (Note: I do have a list of last year's email addresses for those who would like it!)

Of course, you'll need to use an email address no-one here knows about when writing to your person - and one without your screen name! Last year I registered at and made up a name! It worked well! However, other choices for free email include,, and

* Once you create this account -- email me at with "Holiday Test" in the subject line. I will make sure your REAL name is nowhere to be seen.

* Fill out the Secret Holiday Sister questionnaire. This will help your SHS know what sort of things to send you during the holiday season. Email this back to me ASAP!

* Shortly after I receive all of the SHS emails and the Questionnaires, I will assign each of you a SHS! I have last year's list, so I will not assign you the same person. If for some reason I make a mistake, please tell me.

* Once you receive your buddy, you can begin sending them daily or weekly emails! Yay! Remember: Be creative & try to give out very subtle "hints" as to who you may be.

* We will do a reveal sometime during the week of Christmas.

* Oh! I also will accept new "holiday" screen names for the Board! Register a new account with your SHS name & you can post in a special SHS Forum too!

You get to completely pamper your person leading up to Christmas by sending them virtual gifts, cards, notes, anything you like. One 'gift' every 2 days is a good target, but the more the merrier.

Here are the questions you need to answer to help your "Santa". It is quite long, but it will help with things, I promise! Please email me or PM me the answers-- be detailed! This helps your Secret Santa!

Your Screen Name (that you use here on the board) and real name?:

Your email address (where *Santa* can send your 'gifts')?:

Your Top 3 favorite films, & film genre?

Who is your favorite actor and actress?

What is your favorite music / music genre /favorite singers and/or bands?

Favorite flower?

Favorite poem/poet?

Favorite book/author/character?

What are your favorite foods...breakfast, lunch and dinner? Let's not forget snacks!

What are your favorite drinks (alcoholic & non)?

What is your favorite COLOR?

What Baby Names do you have picked out--Girls, Boys?

What city, state/country are you currently residing in? Where are you from "originally"?

What is your favorite animal?

(Optional) Include your mailing address:

Tell us 10 things you would like on your holiday wish list? These can be related to small internet things, such as, "I would love a new glittery, red siggy" or "I would love a custom-made Orlando Bloom blinkie" -- anything goes! It can also be huge things like a car, digital camera, cruise...etc.


When you become someone's Santa, you can give them online gifts, make them cards, send them thoughts for the day, any number of things to make the month sweet for them.

Here are some ideas and some places where you can access Virtual Cards + Gifts. Please feel free to add to this list in this thread:


Meetgreeks--Flower Postcards



Citicom--Xmas Postcards

Hallmark Ecards