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How does it work?
What is it used in?
The Future of Solar Energy


There are some positive things about the use of solar energy, and is therefore a prime topic of current scientific research.


bulletIt is a renewable energy source. The sun's energy is constantly flowing towards Earth, whether we make use of it or not.


bulletIt is will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Rising levels of carbon dioxide are caused by methods of producing energy such as burning fossil fuels. The extra CO2 emitted into the air causes global warming which could have a disastrous effect on nature. Solar energy is an environmentally safe alternative.


bulletIt is fueled by the sun which is an unlimited source as well as a free one.


Home | How does it work? | What is it used in? | Positives | Negatives | The Future of Solar Energy | Sources

This site was last updated 04/21/03