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*In “Sirius” Denial**In “Sirius” Denial**In “Sirius” Denial**In “Sirius” Denial*



“Never knew I could feel like this, like I’ve never seen the sky before. Want to vanish inside your kiss, everyday I’m loving you more and more. Listen to my heart! Can you hear it sing? Telling me to give you everything! Seasons may change, winter to spring, but I love you, until the end of time!”



Scary Fanfics

Ruffled Bottom Panties with Snape/Ginny

Who's the Bigger Whore War

Introduction to the HP Slash Obsession

Seducing a Giant: How Hagrid Came to Be

What Would Have Happened if Harry Weren't so Dim

A Day with the Weasley's

Letter From Harry

I'm My Own Father

Things That Are Supposed to Happen Series

Ron Becomes a Man

The Ultimate Parody

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Biscuit

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Crumpets

Harry Potter and the Holy Grail

Harry Potter on One Fine Day


Photo Galleries

Ewan Pictures

Faery Pictures


My Friends

(What would I do without you guys?)

*Currently Under Construction*

The Fabulous Meggie, Herself



Katie G.





Random Lists and Misc. Crap

Ten Things to do at School to Convince People You're Crazy

Things to do in Gym Class 

Twenty Things to do, During an Exam, to Convince People You're a Nutter 

Ten Things to do on a Transit Bus

Things to do to Greatly Confuse Trick-or-Treaters

The Element Song



**You are Listening to Some Random Creepy Song**


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