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1.      I do not own Harry Potter or anything associated with Harry Potter.  That all belongs to the mistress of magic J K Rowling. 


  1. I know this idea has been done to death but I’m still doing it.  The Plot will be entirely mine and if for some reason it matches someone else I apologize profusely and if you tell me I’ll fix it up.





A/N- I just thought I’d clear some things up.  I know there are supposed to be wards up against Apperating and Disapperating within the castle.  That why those necklace things are more portkeys then anything, because they still seem to work on Hogwarts ground (GOF).  I also said that the only place in Hogwarts where you are able to apperate is into the Chamber of Secrets.  This is one of those creative license things.  This is slightly AU so I know a lot of the stuff does not agree with other people’s points of view of how it should happen.  If you want it too be different, write your own story. 




Keita- Yeah I know the spell sucked, but I was really tired and I just wanted to get the chapter out.  I know I could have broken Sirius more, but as far as I’m concerned, he lives for and through Harry Potter.  Therefore if Harry would be distraught when he finds out Ginny is with Draco, it makes sense that Sirius would be upset too.


Neni Potter- Don’t worry, I understand completely.  I was internet/computer-less for almost 6mnths.  Thanks for you supportJ


libra071988- Vamp Willow rocks! And so does Spike (when he’s being naughty. When he’s like Angle.  Esh.  It just doesn’t work)


Emily.Hart- Thanks for telling me how to spell Lucius right. I thought I was spelling it wrong but I couldn’t check coz I don’t have my Harry Potter books!  I’ve been doing most of it from memory.


Luna Writer- I’m glad you like the story.  And I’m glad someone wants to see the end of this.  I promise it will end.  I hate unfinished stories.




Last time on the Dark Queen-


I awoke a few hours later.  It was about 3am and I knew I should get back to my bed. I woke Draco.


“We need to get up to our beds.  I’ll try to contact you by owl for a time to meet down here again. I love you”


With that said, I grabbed my necklace and muttered Homous Returnis.




The next couple of weeks were vital to my loyalties remaining unknown.  A few days after Sirius had “disappeared”, they found his torso and one leg floating in the lake.  I personally thought that was a bit much.  An arm would have done the trick, but still, it got their attention.  Of course I had to pretend to be distraught, not looking distraught.  If that made any sense. 


Sirius’s name had not be cleared, as Peter Pettigrew was never caught (My Lord actually had him kept in a cage), only a handful of people knew that he was at Hogwarts.  Of course people were upset that Harry’s dog Snuffles had disappeared, but that was the extent of it.  So there was a broken Harry Potter and Remus Lupin wandering around the castle.  If I had known how clingy the stupid brat would get I probably would have knocked of Remus or some else first.  Oh well, you can’t change the past.  Well you can but that’s beside the point.  Harry was a distraught whimper lump. 


“Oh why did…” Harry started whining and I tuned out.  It gave me a chance to think on the next plan of attack.  My Lord ran the over all plan, but I ran the dark side of Hogwarts, though many thought Draco or Snape did.


Days later the Order of Phoenix had very private funeral for Sirius Black.  So I sat there listening to “Sirius blah blah this, Sirius Blah Blah that.”  I was so fucking pissed at that it’s not funny.  I spent the time thinking of how to kill Remus and Snape. 


Yes the Dark Lord knew he was a double spy.  Why did he know?  I told him.  Snape annoyed me.  He didn’t know that I was the one leading the Attacks on Hogwarts and the surrounding area. He thought I was just another annoying Weasley.  That decided me.  It was time to show Snape what the Weasley’s harbored in their little clan.




Finally the stupid thing was over.  Egh.  I hate funerals.  The only good thing about them is the dead people.  Especially if I killed them.  Dumbledore decided to have a meeting afterwards to discuss how Sirius was taken.  They all jumped to the same conclusion.  Peter Pettigrew.  The measly, no good, squirmy little rat.  If the dark and the light every agree on anything, it’s that.


“It had to be Peter.  No one else knows that Sirius was staying at Hogwarts!” Little Ms Know It All Mudblood said.  I wish the troll had killed her in the first year.  Or why not the Basilisk.  So many wasted opportunities.


“Unless Snape told him” Oooh!  Harry had some venom in his voice.  Deadly.  Ha!


“Fuck off Potter. I may despise you and that mongrel of yours but I’m not that stupid”  wow! Snape can swear.  And here I was thinking he was just a monotone wimp.


“Now then Severus, I know you are upset but that’s no need to swear” Oh high and mighty demented Dumbledore spoke up with his infinite wisdom “We have been monitoring Snape’s Death Eater meetings and any other conversations he may have had with Voldemort.  It was not him” Now this was an interesting tidbit of information.  It would mean more precautions when we killed him and I couldn’t be there to help.  SHIT! And I was looking forward to that too.  Oh well, we all had to make sacrifices. 


“Ginny, would you be able to tell us how you found Harry and why Sirius wasn’t there?” Dumbledore asked me.


“Well,” I tried to put a nervous titter into my voice “I was coming back from the library, where I’d been working on an assignment for History of Magic.” Yay!  I managed to squeeze out a few tears! “Sirius came running up to me and told me that Harry had fainted a hallway near there.  He asked me to go to him whilst he got Madam Pomfrey.”


“Ginny!” My mother wailed “why didn’t you come get a teacher or someone?”


I looked down at the ground and hoped to what ever fucking deity was out there that they bought this.


“Well, you do stupid things when you love someone”


Harry came over and put his arm around me.


“Aww Ginny, I’m okay.  We’re ok.  We’ll win.  Voldemort will pay for this.  You’ll see”  I even remembered to flinch at the name.  Woo! I was proud.


Finally the stupid meeting was over.  When I got up to my dorm, I noticed something laying on my bed.  To the unknowing eye, it looked like a subscription to the Daily Prophet.  A simple spell and it was a letter from Draco.




The master wishes that pass to you a message.


Pettigrew is going to be given to the light.  The Lord thinks they should believe they have a chance to win. 


Pettigrew will be found in the Shrieking Shack the day after the full moon.  STAY AWAY FROM THERE! You need to remain ‘innocent’.


Take care my love,




As always I burnt the letter afterwards.  This was a habit that I started after my first year.  No one thought anything of it these days.


That night I slept easily.  Dreaming of Draco and Destroying Harry Potter.




A/N-  I think that’s a bit different from my normal style of writing but oh well.  And if you see any typeo’s its because I’m freezing and I have one hand in a glove. Shit I hate Winter.  Oh well.  Hope you enjoyed the chapter and can someone tell me if I need more mystery in it.