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Sail on Navy man!

Things I've Learned...


How I wish things could have turned out differently for us. I tried so hard to be everything for you. You were my whole world and I would have done anything for you. All I wanted was to finish High School so we could go to college together and see the world together, make babies together, grow old together. That dream, and any hope of it returning is gone. I gave all I had to you and you left me here with nothing so you could run off and see the world on your own. Why Mat? Why would you do that to me? After I faced my fears of getting hurt and trusted you with my heart, you left me all alone. Just tell me why! Damn you, I would have spent the rest of my life trying to make you the happiest guy on earth and someday you'll realize that and see what you lost. But it will be too late. It's already too late. You made me feel more love than I ever thought it was possible to feel...but you also made me feel more pain than I thought possible. You hurt me, and I could forgive you for that because I knew you weren't doing it on purpose. But this last month or so since my birthday you've been deliberately and horribly cruel. You've tried to hurt me. You wanted to hurt me. That I can never forgive. I'm not even upset anymore about you and Brittany hooking up. You two deserve eachother. I am still upset that you failed to tell me until you had already gotten what you wanted. Seeing as how I don't believe in being a hypocrite, there's something you should know... Freshman and I messed around on Halloween. I'm sure you really don't care but I thought you should know...especially since it's more than just a hook up. For both of us it's more. You threw me away Mat and now I'm picking up the pieces and moving on. That's why the banner at the top of the page still says the same thing..."Sail On Navy Man!"..because I want you to sail on. Instead of sailing away for months and then dropping back into my life when you feel like it, I want you to keep on going. Don't come back to me, because I won't be waiting for you. At least not as your girlfriend. You'll always have a friend waiting for you on the dock Mat, but you've lost the complete devotion of the girl who loves you. Now all that's left is friendship. Take it or leave it. It's your choice.