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Dana's Art and Fanfiction

I realize this art is pretty old, but it's nice to have an archive somewhere online that I can visit and look through, say, three years later and see all the random stuff I used to be into. I'm too lazy to scan everything I draw, so I just pick my favorite images (good or bad) and scan those. As for my fanfiction, most of the stuff isn't finished and probably won't be, but I figure I'd put it up anyway in case I want to finish it later (or at least give other people ideas for stories of their own). Anyway, feel free to e-mail me if you want to chat or simply comment on a piece of art or writing. My e-mail address is

You may have to hit the "refresh" button if an image or a page doesn't show up.

Enjoy my crazy stuff ^^.

- A R T -

Paper Art
Computer Art


- F A N F I C T I O N / W R I T I N G S -
Video Games


- U P D A T E S -

(I only keep updates throughout one month.) Year: 2004

April 3 - Three new Paper Art images and a new Oekaki have been added up. I think these images are my most recent ones. Hmm... yup, they are. *nodnod*