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   .: Home :.

Here at CutWing Inc, we do all the confuzing HTML for you. There are two of us who co-own CutWing Inc. There is ____(Me) and Galkonkatonk (Co-owner). We strive to make it easy to make a website.

   .: Commonly Asked Questions :.
  • Q- Is all of this free?
    A- No, It has a small fee to all of it.

  • Q- How do I pay you?
    A- One way is neopoints. I will put the individual price of
    a certain html work on it's page. Another way is Us Dollars.
    The only way to be able to pay me in US dollars is if you
    live in my area.

  • Q- Whats an Affiliation?
    A- Affiliation is another word for a Allie, or a sister site. If your site is an Affiliate with mine, it will have a link put up on my site, linking to your site.

  •   .: Contests/Raffles :.
    Every two months we will open a new contest or raffle. This month is a Poetry Contest. The 1st Place Winner will get a $10 give certificate for CutWing Inc, and the 2nd place winner will get a $5 certificate. Go to our contest page for details and entry form.
    .: News Updates :.
    The Site was Created! YAY!
    Put Your News Updates Here.
    .: Info :.
    Names: _____ and Golonkatonk
    Age: 15
    Sex: Female
    AIM: Cut0Wing
    .: Poll :.
    Do you like our sites layout?
    Yea, It's Great!
    Naw, it could use some work...
    Its your site, so what ya want!

    .: Search :.
    Need To Find Something Fast?
    © 2002-2003 CutWing Inc