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                                                           Habbo help line

   Welcome to Craig

Yes were back this is the 2nd page of my site it took 2 hours for me to get to the 2nd page i am that busy i even got msn messenger you can get it here msn plus you can get it here.


Hope you like my site

Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!Check in!

this site  is moderated between the hours of 9am and midnight BST, seven days a week!

I need some credits: well email me now and it will appear on here!


member name: jimi101
message: hi craig i will like credits please round 15 thanks.

Answer: ok


member name: jinglebells
message: hi craig i will like credits please round 65 thanks and dilver it

 in my acount please thanks your the best.

Answer: ok but 65 will cost you 1 point.


member name: bob101385737
message: hi craig i will like credits please round 200 i have 100 points k

Answer: ok sure thing it will cost 10 points k


 Thats all the messages that have bean read and replied so far for more updates on the site please email me and i will keep you informed every week on and off.

Days we read messages: Monday Tuesday wedsday & saturday

Last updated: 10th August 2003.

Here is what the help line thinks:


Craig made this site because:

Habbo  is a place where people come to relax, hang out and make new friends in a safe, non-threatening environment. The rules are very simple. Stick to them and you'll have fun; break them and you'll get yourself banned.

You must not:

Use any hacking, scripting or editing program within the hotel
Steal other Habbos' Credits or furniture
Describe sexual acts to other Habbos
Pester people who don't want to talk to you
Swear or use sexually graphic terms or be racist
Ask other Habbos for their password, email addresses or other personal information
Type your password anywhere except in the 'Check in' box on
Break the law in the hotel or talk others into breaking it


You should:

Have fun!
Hang out with your friends
Make new friends
Respect other people's views and beliefs


Habbo Hotel's top chat tips
The Internet can be a great place to meet people and form new friendships. But you need to bear in mind that it is easy to lie online, and some people may be pretending to be younger than they really are. You may feel that you know them really well, but can never be sure of what a person is like in real life.
Have fun on the Internet and be safe by following our top chat tips:
Don't give out your personal details
Never tell anyone your home address, telephone number, email address or mobile phone number.
Don't meet in real life
If you really have to meet always take a parent or adult friend with you and only meet in a public place.
Don't talk to people who make you feel uncomfortable
If someone says things to you that you don't like or makes you feel uncomfortable, just leave the site - one mouse click and you're out of there!
Don't engage in sexual activity online
You will be banned from responsible teenage sites for using adult language and pretending to have sex (often referred to as 'cyber'). Play safe and don't take the risk of being banned.


Do tell your parents or guardians what you are doing
By telling them where you are hanging out online - and perhaps even showing them - you will put their minds at rest.

email the help line.

                                                                               Jamie Blue Mountain