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AmericanJuniors Council

People In The Guildde Council!!

The Guild Council are the top 5 people in the American Juniors Guild. They are the leaders, but they are treated as well as any other member in the Guild. They consist of 5 people:Ashleigh, Ashley, Marie, JeN, and Courtnee. They have the names: Taylor, Tori, Danielle, Jordan, and AJ. These 5 people, organize giffaways and give permission to do stuff around the guild.
The Leader and Founder of the Guild is Ashleigh (italian_chick2k). She is Double TT's cousin and knows a lot about the American Juniors show, and contestants. neomail her for advice and questions.
There is also a Subcouncil: The entire Subbie is now filled. (PLEASE REFER TO SUBBIE PAGE FOR NAMES) These people help out the Council Members with their duties and stuff. They are important too. Well, everyone is important in our guild, except the POSERS!! Fortunately they quit!! Yeah!! G2G Bye Byez


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Am I Not Turtley Enough for the Turtle Club??!!?? Turtle!!Turtle!!??!! HEHEHE I had to add that!!

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