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nice n easy


Cheesy Beano's        (for 2 people)nice'n1.jpg (29691 bytes)

1 tin of beans            4 slices of bread            cheese

Toast the bread.  Heat up the beans in a pan.  Spoon the beans on to the toast - enough to cover, but not to overflow.  Slice enough cheese to cover the 4 slices of bread.  Place cheese on top of the beans, distributing evenly between the 4 slices.  Place under the grill (on high) until cheese has melted.


Chris' Cheesy Surprise            (1 person)wpe3.jpg (29177 bytes)

2 slices of bread                                       cheese                                                                                                salad dressing / tomato sauce              lettuce

Butter 2 slices of bread.  Slice enough cheese for the sandwich and place on one slice of bread.  Cover cheese with salad dressing / tomato sauce or whatever takes your fancy and place lettuce on top of this!  Place other slice of bread on top.  Enjoy!


Potato Salad        (2 people)wpe3.jpg (42441 bytes)

5 large potatoes       2 eggs        mayonnaise         4 spring onions

Cut the potatoes in to chunks and cook the potatoes and eggs in a pan.  Once cooked, cut the eggs into chunks.  Mix immediately with mayonnaise - enough to cover everything.  Add the chopped spring onions.  This can be used as a side dish for a main meal or a snack.


Scrambled Eggs        (2 people)wpe1.jpg (32725 bytes)

4 eggs            milk             margarine       bacon                                                                                                       cheese           pepper

Melt the margarine in the bottom of a pan and add the bacon.  In a jug, crack the 4 eggs and add 1/2 a mug of milk.  Add a dash of pepper.  Beat until mixed.  Pour in to the pan.  Grate the cheese and add to the pan.  Stirring occasionally, cook until the mixture is of a desired consistency.  Serve on rolls or toast.

     Non meat alternative - leave out the bacon!


dinner delights