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The Mystery of the Clockwise Pit!

Recently, I was thinking about skankin, cause I was by myself, and i felt like dancin to my favorite music (yeah, I'm stupid like that) and i noticed, In EVERY show i have ever been to, i have only been in COUNTER-CLOCKWISE circle pits! so i tried going clockwise, and it just felt weird...To make sure i wasnt crazy, i asked many a friend, and they also had never been in a clockwise pit. So i just had free time, and i have no life, so i, uh, made a site about it...dont know why, but yeah, i did...yep..OH, if you have DEFINENTLY been in a clockwise pit (not just you vaugly remembering or anythin) sign my guestbook...if i dont have a guestbook, then screw it...(not exactly sure how to work angelfire..gettin the hang of it..)

***UPDATE 3/20/03***

Yesterday, (3/19/03) at the Mad Caddies show at krome, magic happend....Yes, thats right, The clockwise pit was made. it was Me Jeff Don Joe and my sister. I had to lead it, and when there was an open pit, with no one in it, i jumped in and started going around clockwise...soon, many others followed... IT WAS CHAOS!!!!! I think i even heard some girl around the pit say "oh my god, they are going clockwise!"...Before that, we started the first (to my knowledge) saftey dance pit...Then the revolutinary Clockwise safety dance pit....All in all, it was a good show, and everything was awsome.. Look at the real McKenzies' bagpipe's players neck...Oh, and im no doctor, but im pretty sure NECKS ARENT SUPPOSED TO INFLATE!!! Madness i say! ah, well i think thats all for this update...Stay tuned...The Clockwise pit shall come to the Millencollin show On may 4th!! Mwa ha ha ha ha!!!!!

******UPDATE (3/24/03)*****

It has been brought to my attention that at The Youth Ahead show on saturday, there was yet another clockwise pit! Probably more than one. i dont know because i wasnt there (don from the mad caddies show was there) Ah, i dont have much to comment on the show, because i wasnt there, but thought i should update my crappy little site i got here.

*********Update (4/17/03)******

At the Mustard Plug/Big D and the kid's table show last friday (4/11/03) Joe Kaluki (probably not spelt right) started clockwise pits...The rave is catching on! Join in on the fun! next show you are at, just be like "what the hell, i might as well clock this shizzle up"....yeeah..So yeah. thats all i wanted to say....Oh! my site's little clicker counter thingermabob at the bottom is over 100! huzzah!

**********Update (6/4/03)...not that anyone cares...*******

Yo fools...if ANYONE AT ALL is reading this, THANK YOU...there's an RX bandits show commin up on the 11th at Krome, and ill be sure to make some clockwise stuffs should come and skank with us. T'will be a good time! bring your friends!

Places i go...

Where i get all my trumpet tabs
Makes fun of crappy emo bands, what more could you want?
Good band!
Deja vu!

Ps: dosnt seem i have a guestbook...yeeah...