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\\\\food I like 

The food I like to eat are meat , spaghetti , fish , chips , cheese , hotdogs , soups and some more. I like fruit too, that's because I see well. 

Sweets I like 

The sweets I like are gums , jelly ,cakes , pies and more. the most sweets I like are the Ice creams. I like Ice creams because they are nice to eat. I eat them in Summer. I like cones with 3 scups, and more. The most Flavor I like are strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. 

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I'm Clayton Marquette.I'm11years old. I live at Mosta near A football ground.

I'm tall  and I'm slim too. I have brown eyes And brown hair. My birthday is on1June.My hobbies are Playing football and swimming.                         

I like to drink water and Lemonades. I like to eat Salads , Fruit and some more. 

             I like to read lots of books. I like birds too. The most beautiful day of my life was when I wan a small golden cup and a bike Now in a Junior school where I will learn more subjects.  I have lots of things in my room and I have a computer too.




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I have 12 birds and two Tortoises .                                                                                           Now I'm going to a new school in Hamrun in a Junior school .I always Wake up early I n the morning to go shopping with my mother , but  on Sunday I always wake up late. I like to study the computer and I go private lessons In summer. The most things I like to do is playing videogames with my sister. When I  grow up I want to be a air pilot but I have To study a lot. I like to go walking with my friends. I always make people laughing because I love to say jokes. I have a time table at my house were I study on it in the whole week. I like to eat lots of sweets like ice creams, gums and more.  I like food too.



my Hobbies 

My hobbies are playing football. I like to play football with my friends and with the Nursery of Mosta. I like to play lots of games like  catch , police casers , hide and seek and more. I like to play these games with my friends. I like to play indoor games too like chess, snake and ladders and more. I like to play them with my family. I like swimming. On Summer I always go swimming with my family. I learned to swim when I was 6 years. I like playing video games with my sister too. These are my hobbies. 


