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The City of the Four Immortal Mages

about the creators

updates: third chapter is up and ready to read!!!! EMAIL ME!!!

Hey, my friend and I r creating a story (Lime's drawing pix and giving awesome suggestions, I'm writing most of it). Ok, she's in the process of drawing the comic, but 4 now its just gonna b the story. It's about 3 best friends, Ayatoki, Faye, and Liz, get sucked into a book called 'The City of the Four Immortal Mages' with a few other friends and have to save the book's unheard-of dimension. I’m not gonna say any more cos I don’t wanna spoil the story!!!! Read on when we get there and have fun!!!

~DKB Chiki ;P

PS~our email is if u want to email us @ ne time. (PLEASE EMAIL ME!!! OR I WONT PUT UP THE REST!!! I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER!!! ;P) So, ne way, to the story....




The City of the Four Immortal Mages


If you were to tell me a few years ago all that has happened to me in the past years would be my future, I would have laughed in your face. And I know most of my readers, if not all, wont believe this story, but it is an account of everything that has happened, actually beginning about two years ago when I had journeyed to Ireland with a group of teenagers.

Most of the names of those with me are not important, but a few I will account for. Liz, who had not only gone on the trip but also went to my high school, is one of my three best friends. The year before we went to Ireland, she met a guy she had instantly fallen in love with. But they got in a huge fight over god knows what and now the guy, John, wont talk to her. I didn’t know the kid well back then, but I felt terrible for Liz. She was more than broken after that incident and would have killed herself if it weren’t for Faye and I being there for her like true friends should be. I knew that John loved her back, but John was scared of being hurt again, which I could definitely understand.

Every girl on the trip to Ireland fell head over heals for this one kid, except for two of us. Liz and I were the only two who didn’t fall for him, at least not because of his drop dead gorgeous looks. Liz didn’t like him because she was still upset over John, and I didn’t because I was already with my boyfriend Chris and 2, I thought he’d be another one of those idiotic preps who only drunk, smoked and thought about sex 24’7. Boy, was I wrong….

Faye, my other closest friend, didn’t go on the trip, but did go to Liz and my school. She was really good with magic, and has gotten better at it over the years. The moment we met, she got me into it also, and I’ve been practicing ever since as well. She excelled in seeing things to come while I excelled in talking to animals and reading the stars. We both knew healing, but they weren’t our best traits. She was a complete anime and fairy freak and so was her boyfriend who lived in New York, Kieth. I didn’t know Kieth well at the time, we were only friends over the Internet.

Now details on my life, fun fun. When I was little, I had been attacked, so the only guy I’ve ever really trusted was my dad. Chris became my first boyfriend right before I had left home for Ireland. I was extremely shy, but loved to fence and horse back ride. I’ve been riding ever since I can remember and fencing since I was 8, being interested and also wanting to protect myself. I could move pretty fast, considering I was a little overweight back then. I wasn’t very attractive like most of my friends and got jealous a little bit sometimes when guys would flaunt over my friends, but I lived because I was too scared anyway. The only parts I liked about myself back then were my brown curly hair and my blue eyes that never seemed to be the same color twice and changed from blue to green, hazel, gray and yellow. Liz and Faye called me an angel or saint sent from heaven to bring peace to everyone, considering I cared about everything and everyone. I of course would always disagree with them, blushing furiously. I was always sad though, and only Liz and Faye knew why. My parents were divorced, I lived with my sister and mother who both drank and smoked. My dad lived in England, where Liz was originally from, so I didn’t get to see him much. He bought my horse and paid for my fencing lessons for me, I missed my dad.

The last person I’m going to introduce is Diana, Dani for short. She was very pretty and smart for only being 14, she looked like a model, loved band and was also a major flirt, lying to older guys about her age. She ADORED anime and also loved to fence, learning as much as she could from me. Now, on to our past….

Chapter 1

I sat looking out at a lake about a week after we arrived in Ireland, writing a note to Chris. My friend Ali had let me call him once with her phone card, but I had decided to email him and write post cards as well. After finishing the postcard, I leaned back in the sand and looked up at the shining stars and moon. The sky was one of the only two places I could escape anymore, the only in Ireland. The stars told me mysteries that no ordinary human could even dream…except for maybe Faye…

Someone slipped to the sand beside me, so silently that I barely noticed. “Mind if I sit with you?” A not so familiar voice asked.

I looked to my side to see Kyle’s eyes looking at me. I hadn’t talked to him much back then and wondered what he wanted. “Sure,” I said, looking back at the sky. The stars twinkled playfully, giving me the impression this was where I should have been and stayed forever. I could feel Kyle’s eyes still upon me. “Did you need something?”

“To get away from those weirdoes,” he said, looking back at the cabin where girls were screaming and laughing. “Besides, you looked lonely for being the nicest girl here.”

“Nicest, huh?” I asked mischievously.

“Well, yeah,” he replied thoughtfully. “The other guys and I think you and Liz are the only two sane girls on this trip.”

I smiled, thinking about it for a minute or so. They go for the prettiest girl, Liz, who’s heart has gone to someone else, and the least attractive, to say the least, I was no where near pretty, nor did I try to look so. “Just don’t bother Liz,” I said. “She’s kind of in a turmoil at the moment.”

“Mentioning Liz,” Kyle stated, nodding his head in the direction of the main house. I sat up and saw my strawberry red haired friend sitting at a picnic table, sad.

“Hey Liz! Over here!” I called to my friend, waving. She came over and sat on my right, empty side. “Hey.”

“Hey,” she said with a sigh. “I just talked to John and Chris, they’re both at John’s.”

“Really?” I asked. “I didn’t know they knew each other.”

“Neither did I,” Liz said. “Chris said he wanted to talk to you, but Ali and Dani couldn’t find you.”

I shrugged,” I’ll call him back, he wont die.”

“He said it was something about Mitsu, Aya,” Liz said. I stared at her, suddenly worried. My horse? What’ wrong with her? I she ok? A million questions ran through my head.

“Is she ok?” I asked worriedly.

“I don’t know,” Liz looked down. I jumped to my feet and ran for the phone booth, taking out Ali’s phone card and dialing Chris’s cell phone number quickly.

“Well she’s got a rocket of fire in her,” Kyle commented. “Who’s Mitsu? And Chris and John?”

“Chris is her boyfriend, John…just a guy we know, and Mitsu is her horse. She loves that mare to death, and personally I think she can actually talk to her. It’s strange,” Liz thought aloud, looking at the lake sitting before her, “Sometimes when I go out for Ayatoki to give me a lesson, I see her in an open field, playing tag with that horse. The two are practically inseparable.”

“She teaches horse back riding even though she’s only 16?” Kyle asked.

“Only for Ali, Dani and I. She thinks knowing the basics could never hurt,” Liz said. “Although besides Dani, the rest of us refuse to pick up fencing, even though Faye can use her fists quite well.”

“Dani and Aya fence?” Kyle asked curiously.

“Yupp,” Liz answered. “Aya’s been to England for some championships before, she won 1st. Dani loves fighting her, even though the poor girl always loses. Except for that one time after Aya feel off another horse named Star. That was a year ago. After getting a verbal beating from Aya, that horse hasn’t acted up since.”

“She has a way with animals, doesn’t she?” Kyle looked at the girl in the phone booth.

“That she does,” Liz smiled, also looking at her close friend. “I just wish someone who’s that good of a friend didn’t have to go through all she does. She’s the kindest, best person I’ve ever met. Every time someone hurts her, I get a very strong desire to kill.”

“What’s happened to her?”

“A lot,” Liz sighed, looking at the lake once more. “Too much.”

“Ok, so she’s ok?” I sighed deeply.

“She’s FINE, Aya, don’t worry so much,” Chris said. “The vet said by the time you get back she’ll be as good as new. It was nothing serious.”

“Ok,” I said reluctantly.

“Toki,” Chris sighed.

“I know, I know, I believe you,” I rolled my eyes lightly. “So why are you at John’s?”

Chris chuckled lightly, “We’ve been discussing his love life. Man, that kid LOVES Liz.”

“Then why does he keep pushing her away?” I asked.

“He’s scared to think he could ever love someone that much. He’s a player, Toki, he loves toying with girl’s hearts. To fall for one of those girls…well, it’s broken him,” Chris said.

“Hmm,” I thought about it a bit, and out of the corner of my eye, I say Liz and Kyle sitting in the sand. “Hey, I gotta go Chris.”

“Why?” Chris asked.

“Because my friends want me,” I said.

“You’d rather talk to your friends than me?” Chris asked.

“Chris!!!” I exclaimed, annoyed. He always did this “Look, I need to go, You know that isn’t how it is, but I’ve got to go.”

“Ok, bye,” Chris sighed. I growled as I hung up the phone. I was slowly starting to agree with Kieth and Faye that it was time for me to get rid of this jerk. I walked back to Kyle and Liz….

Kyle woke up before dawn two mornings later, his sixth sense telling him others were already awake. He dressed and walked down the road to a large field where two girls were fencing with tree branches in the grass.

The smaller form fell to the ground and the taller pointed her stick at the girl’s throat before smiling and giving her friend a hand to get to her feet. “You get harder to play every time we fight,” Aya said.

“All because you help me get better,” Dani grinned. She saw Kyle behind Aya. “We’ve got company.”

Aya turned to see the boy standing not so far away. “Kyle?”

“Can I have a go?” he asks, nodding at the two. Dani stares and Aya gapes.

“Uhh, sure. Here,” Dani handed Kyle her stick. “I was getting tired anyway.”

“You know how to fence?” Aya asked as the two circled one another.

“A bit,” he replied with a blank face. Dani watched the two take off. Others came out of their cabins after sunrise, hearing a commotion in the fields.

I blocked and parried, watching Kyle for any kind of opening, and for at least an hour, nothing came. Sweat beaded my forehead and ran down my back, and the same went for Kyle. His shirt clung to him tightly and in spare moments, I would take a good look at his firm body. He was starting to get tired though, his movements got slower and slower.

Suddenly, an opening came and I took it, jabbing him in the stomach and knocking him off his feet. He fell backwards, his branch flying, and I rested my branch on the ground, using it as a support. I gave him a hand to get him to his feet.

“That’s the hardest I’ve fought in a while. Where’d you learn?” I asked.

“My older brother. He’s pretty good, but your better,” he smiled.

“Why thank you,” I smiled back. “Next time set a pace so you don’t get so tired.”

“I’ll remember that,” Kyle sighed, looking at the clapping teens. Dani stared at Kyle’s back as he walked off with a few of his friends who were making fun of him because of being beaten by a girl.

“Wow,” Dani said. “That one time you had given him an opening, I thought you were going to loose.”

“I GAVE HIM A WHAT!?!?!?!” I exclaimed, appalled. Dani laughed at my face.

“For like…two seconds, you were staring into his eyes instead of attacking. I think the only reason you didn’t loose is because he did the same thing,” Dani giggled. I blushed and looked at my feet all the way to the picnic tables where we would all eat breakfast, I didn’t talk for the rest of the morning. I started to think that maybe Kyle wasn’t as bad as I thought.

Chapter 2

A few months after we returned from Ireland, I bought a book called The City of the Four Immortal Mages. Kieth had come down from New York and had been staying at my place (my mom and sister were out of town) and Kyle and Chris had come over that afternoon to hang out before going dinner with some other friends.

I sat reading on my bed while they sat on the floor talking about god knows what. Kieth and Kyle didn’t like Chris much. I read on in my book. It was all about how four mages had captured a herd of evil dragons and trapped them in a city. For a reward, they became immortal. These mages held elements, namely water, nature, air and fire.

The relic they had created to control the dragons had been hidden so that any greedy mage who wanted to take over Baklava, the lands of the immortal mages, couldn’t find it. The deserts, forests and fields had forgotten their past, thinking it only to be a myth, but kept the rings of magic flowing into time.

I flipped to the map and studied Baklava, ignoring the guys on the floor. The Raiding Boundary was the ending of the King’s land. Not many wars occurred there though because of the Time Forest. The forests were dangerous and everyone knew it. The only path was beside an unnamed river that flowed from one side to the other. Two small armies stayed on each side of the Time Forest, just to make sure no thieves got through. The thieves had other ways though. A mage had created a portal in the City of Thieves connected to Etain for them to travel in between.

The Death Mountains were also deadly to any who entered them, hence the name, because of their traitorous heights and pointed peaks. NO one knew what was on the other side of the lands across the sea, and no one really cared as long as they weren’t affected by it. Little did they know that on the other side lay the city of the four immortal mages.

“AYATOKI!!!” The three boys hollered.

“Yes?” I asked calmly, looking at the three annoyed guys.

“It’s time to go, come on,” Chris demanded.

“Don’t treat Aya like that!!!” Kieth hissed.

“Why not? She’s MY girlfriend!” Chris exclaimed back.

“Guys, behave,” I hissed back, closing the book and setting it on my bed right before…POOF!!!! We were gone.

I found myself sitting on a bed before my three friends, then laughed uncontrolably when I saw what they were wearing. They were dressed at nobles of the Middle Ages. They checked themselves out and my laughing subsided. When Chris’s tip of his sword was resting against my neck, I gave a small gulp and stared at him.

“Look at what you’re wearing next time before you laugh,” he warned.

“Get rid of the sword, Chris,” Kyle threatened, removing his own. Chris placed his back in his sheath quickly and I hurried over to a mirror…and almost fainted. Kyle was holding me up in seconds though, and I was able to regain my control. I wore a gorgeous blue dress, sleeveless, tight around my upper body and flowing in long waves from my waist down. I pulled from Kyle’s arms and kneeled down to find two hidden daggers underneath all the fabric. I smiled innocently and looked at myself once more. A silver chained crown wrapped itself on top of my head, tied in the back, holding half of my hair.

The door to the bedroom swung open and I jumped to my feet before turning on my heel. I grabbed the necklace still at my throat, realizing it had come with me with its owl and crescent moon charm sitting between my collarbones.

”Princess, my lords,” a servant bowed lightly, “Excuse my interruption, but the Princess has been called by her father.”

“We will wait here, Princess,” Kieth said in a noble voice. I looked at him curiously, but nodded and followed the servant out of the room.

He led me to two great doors and I memorized the way we had come in the back of my head. The doors were thrown open and it took all my effort not to gasp in amazement. “My lords, the Princess Ayatoki,” the servant bowed low. I curtsied and everyone in the room minus the King and Queen did the same or bowed. The other 2 bowed their heads and the nobles all scurried out of the room.

Are you all right, dear? You’re PAIL!” the Queen, my new mother, exclaimed.

“I am fine, mother,” I smiled, reassuring her.

“Alright. Now for the reason you are here. Dear, your seventeenth birthday is drawing near, you must pick a husband because by your eighteenth birthday, you must be wed,” The King said. I stared at him blankly.

“You have a week before the next ball, behave yourself until then Dear,” the Queen smiled sweetly. “You are dismissed.”

I curtsied lightly and left quickly, finding a Lady on the other side of the doors, grinning. “Telling you to pick a husband again, Toki?” She asked mockingly.

“Yes,” I nodded lightly, guessing this person knew me in this time.

“I still say go for Kieth, but you never want to listen to me,” she said.

“Kieth’s taken,” I said, remembering Faye.

“WHAT!?!?!” she pulled me into a side hall (getting me very lost) and stared into my eyes. “What’s wrong with you, Ayatoki? What are you talking about??? He’s ALWAYS been single!!! What’s wrong with you?”

“Honestly?” I asked in a whisper. She nodded. “I’m not the princess everyone thinks I am, I don’t even know your NAME and yet you’re acting like we’re best friends. My friends and I were about to go out to dinner when all of a sudden…POOF! Here we appeared in weird clothes! I am Ayatoki, but I am in no way a Princess.”

“Who are the friends who came with you?” the girl asked.0

“Kieth, Kyle and Chris,” I said. She nodded lightly, as if she completely understood.

“Sir Christopher and the Lords Kyle and Kieth. Two worlds have been combined, a fortune teller mage told me this would happen and I would have to give you all tips on what to do. I am Lady Monet, one of your Ladies in waiting and one of your closest friends. Come,” she pulled me toward my room without another word of explanation where my three friends waited.

They jumped to their feet when we entered and seeing I wasn’t alone, they bowed. “Oh, quit the formalities, we’re all close friends, you don’t have to worry about it with me.”

“Monet knows, guys, I told her,” I said, sitting in a huge chair. The others sat on the surrounding chairs or couches.

For the entire night it seemed, we discussed this new place and what our parts were. Monet explained all that we needed to know. Keith and Kyle were twin brothers in this life (obviously not identical).

“Do I know how to fight? And ride?” I finally brought myself to ask.

With a sword and daggers,” Monet grinned. “Kieth taught you in secret. You also know how to ride sidesaddle.”

I grimaced. I HATED side saddles! They really hurt to sit in, or at least the few I’ve been in. “Can’t I sit in NORMAL saddles?” I begged.

Monet widened her grin and it reminded me of someone at home we called the Cheshire cat. I hated that smile, and on Faye’s video game, I wanted to kill that stupid cat. “Just the princess I know,” she grinned. “Always going against the rules.”

I smiled brightly and when the boys stared at me, I smiled wider. “WHAT?” I asked innocently. Kyle shook his head with a smile.

“Ok, on to what you must all learn,” Monet said. “Who knows how to dance?”

We all stared at the floor.

Monet, Kyle and I rode through the streets of Etain a week after we had arrived, going to our favorite “hangout”, a local tavern. My horse, Shadow, sure wasn’t Mitsu, but I was getting used to the big stallion. He officially was the King’s horse, he just kind of gave Shadow to me, I don’t really know why.

We stopped at the tavern and we jumped off. I was extremely happy to be out of the sidesaddle. At the bar, Monet ordered drinks while Kyle and I looked around. My eyes landed on a boy I recognized, flirting with an older, drunk woman who looked like a waitress. I stared, my mouth wide for a moment before racing over, pushing the woman out of the way and slapping the kid in the face.

“I hope you’re happy you drunk fool!!!” I yelled in Chris’s face before tearing out of the tavern. Tears touched my eyes as I jumped on the 17 hand stallion’s back and raced toward the palace

As Aya ran out, Kyle’s eyes landed on the kid. Kieth came in as Kyle stood and he gave Kyle an odd look. “What?”

“He hurt her,” was all Kyle had to say. The two beat the kid to a pulp without another word and finding him dead, threw his carcass out the back door. They swore never to tell Aya, and gave Monet a threat.

“On your way to ruling the world, boys?” Monet asked as they left.

“As a matter of fact,” Kieth grinned slyly as he mounted his horse, “I am!”

They galloped up to the palace and into the barns where a stable boy always waited. Kyle stuck his reigns in the kid’s hands and raced into the palace to find Aya on the balcony of her room.

I sat on my balcony, humming and rocking back and forth when the door to my room opened and closed, I heard a man hurry to my side. We stayed in silence for a few minutes before he asked, “What’s that song?”

I didn’t change my movements when I answered, “I don’t know the name of it. My dad used to sing it to me when I was little, before my mother kicked him out. I love my dad, he’s the only reason I’m still here. He bought Mitsu for me and paid for me to learn fencing. He lives in England and I haven’t seen him in two years. I miss him.” I finally turned to Kyle, his eyes were black with anger, yet filled with sorrow and love. Tears swelled up in my eyes.

“Ayatoki…” he whispered softly. I jumped down from the railing to find comfort in his arms before weeping without thinking. “Shh…it’ll be ok, Aya.”

Chapter 3

“GOD!!! IT’S BEEN HOURS!!! Where ARE they???” Faye pouted. “I wanna see Kieth!!!”

“I’m worried, Aya would have called on her cell if something had come up,” Liz said, thinking. “Should we go to her house and find out where they are?” Faye asked. “Yeah, come on, lets go,” Liz pulled Faye from her chair and the two left the restaurant.

Facing a large mirror at my desk, I hummed my dad’s song once more, brushing my hair. I was starting to loose weight, the people who designed my dresses had to make me a new dress because I was too small for my old one. I placed the crown on my head and looked at myself in the mirror.

The white gown was beautiful, with small straps holding it on my shoulders and long elbow-down sleeves attached. The dress flowed to the ground, as would be expected, hiding my daggers I always kept attached to my thighs by small leather belts.

Chris had been gone for about a week and I wasn’t about to ask where he had gone. Kyle and Kieth weren’t about to tell me and I didn’t want to know anyway. I put on my necklace, my only possession from the other world, just as someone knocked on the door.

“Come in!” I said, dropping my hands. Kyle entered quietly, I turned around to see him gaping at me. “It’s rude to drule, Kyle, you should get better manners.

“Oh! Sorry!” Kyle exclaimed, staring at the floor and blushing profoundly. I tried hard not to laugh. “That dress looks great on you.”

“Why thank you,” I grinned, seeing the blush turn a deeper red. We went to the dinner silently where Kieth and my parents waited.

LOL, I love torturing people, but u know, I've only gotten 4 comments. FOUR!!!! and I KNOW more people are reading this. COME ON!!! EMAIL ME!!! I WANT SOME OPPENION!!! I wanna hear some flares, askin fer the next posting, yellin at me for giving you such a short chapter!!!! Suggestions are welcome, criticism is good, just EMAIL ME!!!! it might make the next chapter be written faster!!! (would it help if I said right where I'm writing now, they're in the middle of the Time Forests, half the characters are split up and and in a hidden city??? I wont say anymore, but like I said, it only gets better!!!!) ok, Im done ranting, later! ~chiki~