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Hurricane Charley Diary

::Friday::   ::Saturday::   ::Sunday::   ::Monday::  ::Tuesday::  ::Wednesday::  ::My Blog::

Friday, August 13, 2004
8:45 PM

Wind has picked up out of nowhere. Ok, it’s not out of nowhere, it’s from the southwest, where it has already kicked the ass of Sanibel Island. No one has a clue about damage down there. It’s heading straight for us. I just poked my butt outside (along with the rest of my body). It was breezy, then suddenly, the wind picked up and was steady. Two of the boys’ birthday balloons were sucked out the front door and blew away. With a surprised, “Oh shit!” I scrambled back into the apartment. Last thing I need is for the little dumdums to blow away after following me outside.

It was time to do my last pre-hurricane posts and put the computer away, since it’s in the sunroom near the window. Just as I sat down to do that the lights blinked off several times.

9:08 PM

I’m doing what I do when I’m nervous… I’m writing. The lights went out for the last time at about 9, not five minutes after I got the monitor into the closet.

I caught the boys playing with the candles already. There was a hand butt family reunion for that. Last thing we need is to be burnt to a crackly crunch while no one could come out to help us

9:27 PM The wind is roaring. It sounds like a never-ending freight train going by the front door. Ooooo the lights just flashed on and off and scared the bejesus out of us. Lights just flashed again. Bejesus has left for good. We’re sitting on the floor between the bathroom and the boys’ bedroom. I think we’ll just go in there and close the door for now. Although I would like to watch the storm from the window, I don’t trust the boys to get out of the way of flying debris in time should it head through our window. It’s so loud now we can’t hear each other talk, or in the boys’ case, whine. I’m popping out to the living room to grab my magazines.
9:35 PM Fabulous. Brett has to poop. Since we’re all in the bathroom, this won’t be pleasant. Can’t nature call another time?
9:40 PM Tyler’s turn to poop. I don’t know if they’re nervous, or the toilet sitting in front of them is giving them ideas. I had just settled in and started reading my Discover magazines by candlelight. Not something I’d recommend. My eyes were very unhappy.
9:53 PM The roar has died down. I’m thinking the eye is about here. There’s still huge gusts of wind, but it’s not as steady right now.
10:01 PM

Even though I have service I can’t seem to make any calls on my cell phone. The boys are yawning. I’m severely regretting bringing the AFLAC duck in here. If I hear, “Aflac, AFLAC! AAAAFLAAAAC!” once more I’m flushing him.

Then Tyler had a flash of brilliance. He says, “Mommy! If the lights were on, we could see in the dark!”

No shit Tyler. It wouldn’t be dark.

10:27 PM

I noticed the wind was quieter. I went out to peek out the window in the living room and noticed the beagle family had the same idea. I’m having flashlight envy. I only have flames stuck on strings sticking out of wax sticks. Sucks to be me.

We moved into the boys’ bedroom. I’m really wishing the lights would go on. I have the feeling that it won’t til at least tomorrow

10:40 PM

My sister managed to get through on my cell phone. Reception is horrible. I guess they were watching it go right over us on tv. The airport has sustained damage. The call was dropped after just a couple of minutes.

I heard fire trucks. Tyler has to poop again. I’m really glad we aren’t still stuck in the bathroom

10:50 PM Looked out the window again. I don’t see any immediate damage. That damn alligator pool toy is still on the beagle family’s porch.
10:55 PM

Yeah, I’m bored. The obnoxious neighbors are outside yelling. I think the wind is going the other way. It isn’t as loud, just the usual wind noise*

*found out later it was going the other way so of course it wasn’t as loud

11:00 PM

Tyler stuck his feet out at me and said, “If you need to put shoes on me, here’s my feet,” then laid back on a pile of blankets on the floor and fell asleep.

The wind is whistling, which it wasn’t doing before. Over all it’s quieter than before. No more freight train. Time to go to bed.

11:14 PM Both kids are now out cold.
11:21 PM I can hear the people upstairs dragging their patio furniture out. Honestly, I don’t know how they got out their front door they have so much shit on their porch.
11:27 PM

Wandered outside. Nicely breezy and surprisingly cool. And damn dark. Very dark.

Young guys next door are still yelling. Duh.

11:31 PM

It’s really quiet now except for the neighbors. Assholes. I hear cars driving away—party must be over.

I can’t wait for dawn
