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Name: Nakonia
Age: Looks 19
Sex: Female
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 125 lbs
HairColor: Teal
Eye Color: Teal (Red when near dark energy)
SkinColor: Pale-White
BodyFrame: Slim/Frail
Strength: 5,000,000,000
Intelligence: 5,000,000,000
Dexterity: 5,000,000,000
Wisdom: 5,000,000,000
Charisma: 5,000,000,000
Constitution: 5,000,000,000
Defence: 5,000,000,000
HP: 5,000,000,000
MP: 5,000,000,000
Race: Light Lunar
Ethics: Varies
Level: 5+
Money: Ozeals Funding
This award has not been attained yet For training in the martial arts of melee and unarmed combat at a lethal level, to support becoming a Kunoichi! For harnessing her inner darkness as a leathal weapon and successfully employing the use of an ancient technique, the ''Darkforce Flamberg'' For completing her training as a Kunoichi, and tonig her body into a lethal weapon used with an ancient martial arts style.
Element : Nova
History: Nakonia De`Avir left her hometown after it was destroyed by the poor economy. She vowed to never be weak like those in her hometown who wouldn't fight for themselves and let the twisted merchants and civilians swindle their way to the top at the cost of sacrificing the hopes and dreams of the citizens of her home. She entered the Lunar Academy only to graduate earlier than planned. She was a very smart pupil and desired to learn all that she could. Upon graduating, Nakonia found she really had no where to go. She would pick up on jobs that she could be paid by and lived her life day by day. Until one day, she decided to travel the world. At the moon gate just before leaving the LR, Nakonia met a man named Odin Astral. The two talked and she was offered a job to go along with him on his journey as a healer, scribe and anything that she could offer to help him on his journey. Since Nakonia thirsted for knowledge she agreed. In return for her company, Odin promised her to teach her all that he knew. The two traveled the realm for at least 5 years, all the while both depending on each other for support and company. Nakonia began to obtain feelings for this man. After traveling for so long, Odin brought Nakonia back to the Haven with him. He too began to have sentiments for this young girl and wanted to ensure her continual success and training, and safety. Nakonia agreed to join him at the haven. This is where she was to learn that Odin was Aquarius Astral, head of the Astral family and emperor of the lunar realm. Nakonia was shocked to find out his true identity. Her feelings became more intense to learn that all this time she was traveling with Aquarius. She had renewed faith in his teachings and wisdom that he passed on to her through their rigorous training daily. This was truly more than she had bargained for. As more time came to pass, she mastered many arts and styles for her benefit and learned various arts of unarmed and melee with ancient styles that others were not aware of. She was more than just a crush by duty, or a sworn bodyguard to him, her feelings now more than just sentiments. With the passing of time, the choice was finally made that after many years of wandering through the Lunar Realm. Aquarius and Nakonia were to return to the haven, where thusly Aquarius took his rightful position, with Nakonia as always faithfully at his side. Because of this formed bond, and Aquarius having fallen madly in love with Nakonia, he asked for her hand in marriage, and she accepted. Soon enough, they were wed. Shortly after they were wed, Nakonia birthed their first child, herself a being of light, and her husband a being of dark resulted in Destiny Astral, their first born daughter, an eclipse lunar. Nakonia fell drastically ill shortly after giving birth to the eclipse being, was this the price of baring an eclipse in this pregnancy? Soon after Destiny’s first year, Nakonia fell into a deep coma from what seemed to be a spiral of exhaustion that continued to spread like a virus within her. Aquarius placed in her med lab keeping ever vigilant eye upon his wife until she would awake again. He alone raised Destiny until her teens. Nakonia awoke shortly before Destiny turned 15, to a world different than she remembered. So many things had happened. She spent many of her first nights in Aq and her private bedroom almost afraid, but with Aq's reassurance and guidance, she became herself again. Happy to have his wife back at his side, Aq and Nak continued to watch over their daughter and rule the land.
Shortly thereafter, Nakonia had another child, a young boy they named Landon. He was raised by both his parents, which did cause animosity between Destiny and her parents, as her mother was not there for her. But the truth had to be taken into account that Nakonia was stronger now, and able to fight against the cancer sleeping inside her blood. Landon became appointed as the king and Nakonia herself joined the LGC as the empress of the realm. As the empress Nakonia was subjected to new trials and tribulations by not only her people, but by her husband. She was targeted several times for assassination and kidnap attempts, only having been taken hostage for a short period of time she then went on to better herself physically. She met with a woman named Kerisa and a man named “Doraniful Gelawon” who taught Nakonia the expert level style of the ru’kaji. Nakonia officially as a “black label title” became a “kunoichi” (Or otherwise known as a female ninja/assassin). It was during her training as a kunoichi, and shortly after she started taking advanced aerobics classes, that she once again pregnant. Nakonia birthed Chasity, a young lady who looked MUCH like Aquarius. Chasity was raised as a lady and though Nakonia fell ill to her cancer once more for a period of time, Chasity was well taken care of by Aidan Astral, who at the time was still the predecessor of Landon, as the current king. After a grueling recovery, Nakonia made her way back to health once more. After a series of events involving an old friend of Nakonia’s from the academy, a man named Korus Darkthrone tried to convince her to run off with him, only to be thwarted in his attempt to take her away forcefully, by Landon. Chasity saw to her mother’s safety while Landon was left in a coma. The choice was made for Chasity to find a suitor for the future, so she could be safe from any similar stalkers or past obsessions, however before Chasity was engaged, Nakonia once again birthed a child to her husband Aquarius, Kallen Astral, a young man who showed great potential, though Kallen was a wild spirit in heart, he was patient enough to have tolerance for his mother’s training, where he himself got involved. Nakonia taught Kallen various forms of martial arts and aerobics that she and her rival Kerisa were taught during their kunoichi training. When kallen came of an old enough age, Nakonia and her husband, Aquarius, sent him to a private martial arts school called Kigison, since that seemed to be where his dreams lay, she as a mother, wanted to support her son to the best of her ability. The former general of the dark star agency, Torian Shade, took in Kallen to Kigison, as if he were family. Aquarius had Nakonia undergo a series of surgical operations in order to try and prevent her from ever succumbing to cancer ever again, one such operation had her stripped of redundant organs, which resulted in the couple being told, Nakonia would never be able to birth again. Aquarius fell into a depressed slump as the weight of empress was entirely on Nakonia’s shoulders for a long time; it was almost as if her husband was dead to her, which left her almost no personal time since she had to take care of all the political responsibilities. Aquarius re-kindeled his love for his wife as Nakonia continued to stay at his side, the couple worked out the drawbacks of her operations with Aq’s advanced medical knowledge and know-how over forgotten ancient arcane sorcery. Soon enough Nakonia’s body was back in perfect condition, though by now she was starting to come to face the fact she would always... Forever and always, be at war with her weak blood’s low immune system. Another child was born to Aq and Nak as proof of the medicine and sorcery that the enchantments placed upon her held true, a “miracle child” Melody Astral was birthed to the husband and wife. Melody was raised like Chasity, to be a prim and proper lady, it was by the time Melody was three years old, a war befell the lunar realm,
not that it was the first conflict, but this one especially appealed to Nakonia. Nakonia, as a kunochi, was sent in to investigate a palace in the skylands. Nakonia was taken hostage when the keeper of the palace discovered she could read an ancient language. Magnus Bram presented himself to Nakonia as the dark king, the spirit of a wicked creature who was thought to have been completely obliterated by Virgo Bluesun, back in the BR-Era. Nakonia was able to read the ancient language because she had the reincarnated spirit of the dark queen that was once the wife of Magnus. Nakonia was placed under a spell by Magnus and became “Celestia Blackstorm” for a period of time, as her personality that was known as Nakonia, became dominated by another personality that had been sleeping deep inside of her. Nakonia became prisoner in her own body as Celestia went on to commit various acts of infidelity upon Aquarius. Aquarius himself captured during the war, was often visited by Celestia, whom tried to seduce him on multiple occasions in order to try and find out the secret of the saints, so Magnus could discover a common flaw in the ancient beings to exact revenge on Virgo. Once Valin was captures, he too was subjected to the sexual sweet sways of Celestia Blackstorm, the dark queen. Nakonia could do nothing but watch from behind her own eyeballs, as a prisoner in her own flesh as Celestia had constant relations with Magnus, Valin and Aq. Eventually the dark queen was tricked by Aq, during the final invasion upon the skyland palace that originally had risen from the darklands once ruled by the old BR-Era monarch. When Aq deceived the dark queen, he was able to knock her out and have her sent back to the haven. Nakonia, or otherwise Celestia, who was the dark queen of Nakonia, was trapped inside of the woman’s body with her, where on consistent struggles, Nakonia tried to overthrow the dark queen, with her sheer will. It wasn’t until Kallen, her son, visited her during one of the times she had a personality conflict, and when the dark queen stabbed Kallen with a piece of broken glass, Nakonia’s instincts as a mother supercharged the desire to protect her children. The dark queen was vanquished, at least mentally, but the dark abilities and energy that Magnus awoke within Nakonia, permanently became an issue for her, which would linger the rest of her life. Nakonia gave birth to another child, Warren Astral. It was questioned who Warren’s true father was, Aq or Magnus, since during the time of the war, Nakonia was being controlled by someone else, and who used her body to pleasure various other men. Valin was eliminated from the candidate list of who the father could be, when the child, Warren, clearly had none of Valin’s traits. Warren being too young at this time to have a safe blood test performed was still taken in by Aq, as if he were his own son. At this time it was honestly unknown if Warren was the son of Aq, or the son of Magnus, a questionable trait arose, much like while Nakonia was controlled by the dark queen, Warren shared the same side affect that whenever they were around negative energy, their eyes would radiate a red hue about them. Now Nakonia continues to serve her husband as the empress, personal bodyguard (kunoichi), wife and mother, as she is still recovering from the war and conflict between two personalities that had recently occurred within her.