Name : Kaitlyn Rose
Age : 16
Sex: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 105 lbs.
Hair Color: Blue
Eyes: Green
Skin Tone: Pale/White
Body Frame: Slim-Firm
Strength: 5,000,000
Intelligence: 5,000,000
Dexterity: 5,000,000
Wisdom: 5,000,000
Charisma: 5,000,000
Constitution: 5,000,000
Defence: 5,000,000
HP: 5,000,000
MP: 5,000,000
Race: Jasper Lunar
Job: Astral Attendent
Ethics: Good
Level: 5
Money: 50,000,000
This award has not been attained yet This award has not been attained yet THis award has not yet been attained This award has not been attained yet
Element: Wind
History: Kaitlyn Rose was a prototype for "Project Terra". She was spliced genetically with a varity of cells to "reincarnate" Aquarius' sister. Generally his infatuation with her drove him to the point of combining genetic traits from Kitten Rose, Himself, Nakonia, and MidnightStorm. The blood and tissue splices came directly from modified Astral genes (similar to those of Odin's), from none other than Aquarius himself. The final product was Kaitlyn Rose. In apperance the young creature had feline catgirl traits due to the dominance of Kitten Rose, bits and pieces of Nakonia and Midnight's personalities gave the young girl fair but leniant (with little to no demeanor) traits, while Aquarius' genes provided her with the body features of an Astral, causing Kaitlyn to be "identical" to "Terra". Aquarius kept Kaitlyn around as an attendant and maid, eventually growing fond of her (most likely due to her ideal features of Terra). Kaitlyn's body ascended a more purified Astral strain due to genetic reconstruction. Kaitlyn was revealed to be a Jaspar Lunar, thus proving that Aquarius does carry the Jasper cells in his body, and they are indeed dorment to him, but apperantly not his brother Odin or sister/daughter Kaitlyn. Aquarius took notice to this and how the jasper cells acted inside of Kaitlyn, giving her a natural splice immunity against various forms of cancers and sicknesses.The drawback of this hyper immunity was discovered after Kaitlyn and Aquarius grew abnormally close.The existance of such a girl was kept secret to everyone but Aquarius. The young girl was raised in the laboratory until she reached the early stages of teenage years. By pre-teen stages she had grown into a catgirl life of terra, having the same beauty and form as Aquarius' own sister. Kaitlyn didnt deny her own feelings for the one who created her. She had grown quite fond of him as a father figure and more. Nakonia, Aquarius' wife took on many duties to help her husband. She traveled many realms and, at times, would be gone from the haven for weeks at a time. It was during this time that Aquarius and Kaitlyn became much more. Eventually, Aquarius took a sexual interest in the girl. Many nights she was the "stand-in" while Nakonia was absent.Their relationship brought Aquarius to many interesting conclusions.Kaitlyn's hyper immunity proved resistant to Astral blood, due to her being an Astral herself by splice, she could not be fertile to or from Aquarius, therefore being unable to bare children with Aquarius. One evening, upon Nakonia's return home, Aquarius finally revealed to her the existance of Kaitlyn. Nakonia shocked that such a creature had been genetically created in the lab and hidden for so many years, became confused and somewhat upset by the tales Aquarius relayed to her. But after many weeks, Nakonia came to love Kaitlyn as much as Aquarius, even finding that she herself came to have sexual interludes with the young girl.He gave her the luxury of being the keeper for Nakonia and himself. With passing time Kaitlyn continued to live in the haven, her schooling and training coming from those of her creator, Aquarius, and "mother" type figure Nakonia.Mid teenage stages blossomed her to a pre-adult mentality, thus she was appointed the legal position of "Astral Attendant" to Nakonia and Aquarius. Kitten's splice donation provided Kaitlyn the minor ability to "age shift" to her Master/Mistress's preferances, among various other catgirl traits. As an adult, Kaitlyn continues to live in the haven, having grown fond of both her lady and her lord, she serves the astral family for whatever purposes they require. Kaitlyn, having proved worthy of the Astral name, as well as resiliant in her own ways, has been removed from her affiliation of the terra core project, in order to lead her own life away from scientific torture. For many years, she proved to be not only a pet, but a best friend and confidant. After requesting to be sent to the academy, she graduated with top ranks. But Kaitlyn was to find her biggest challenge came after graduation. She was sent back to haven, not as the family pet, but as an apprentice for Valin Astral, Aquariu's son who at that time had assumed the throne after the disappearance of Aidan. She worked with him for over a year on many projects and matters of the realm of Ozeals. It was during this time, that Kaitlyn found out what it was like to love someone. It wasn't the kind of love she had for Aquarius and Nakonia, but a deeper more fondness of Valin. It took quite a long time for her to succumb to her feelings, unsure of how he felt. But eventually the two admitted their love, and upon her graduation from the academy, the world found out of their feelings as well. Becoming the most popular girl in school because the king's eye was upon her, Kaitlyn suddenly had more fame than she bargained for. So she and Valin disappeared afterward to hide away from the world. Valin kept his position on the throne for quite a while, Kaitlyn at his side, helping him and working closely with him. Valin realized just how much he truely did love her. After planning a special evening, Kaitlyn accepted his proposal of marriage, and the two were engaged that evening. They continued to reside in the tower of the Haven while Valin continued his post as king. But one day Landon, the righful heir to throne finally returned. Kaitlyn was heartbroken realizing her dream of becoming queen would never come true if Valin gave up his position. After a conversation with Aquarius, her worst fear was recognized as Aquarius talked of turning the throne over to Landon. She was upset and headed back to the tower. Although she never spoke of her true wishes to Valin, he had overheard their conversation and realized what Kaitlyn truly wanted. He strived to keep his position so that she could have her dream to be queen. Shortly after retaining his position as king, Kaitlyn learned she was pregnant. She was overjoyed to finally be a mother. Quickly she decided to ask Valin to give her the wedding she had always wanted. The two were wed before anyone even knew she was pregnant. Valin continued to care for her until the day she gave birth to a boy, which they named Nikolai.