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This page is for updates in the guild! Sorry about that stupid banner! I can't get it off. Anyways here is all the updates by date.

Tuesday July 8
1. This page is the first update 2. Added petpets to the guild shop!! (my shop)

Thursday July 10
Well here is the story. I live in Juneau, Alaska right, well i use to live in Ketchikan, Alaska with my mom and brother. Anyways my mom misses me alot and i have to, well not have too, but want to go down there and make her happy for a while, and get a job again, to save money to come back home in Juneau. So what i am saying is that i will check my email and neomail as much as i can while i am gone. I am still in charge of the guild! Dah. But will be gone a little bit more. K. So I will talk to you all when i can, and feel free to neomail me when you can K. Love you all. :D Background by Cutie_Isaac! Also the cute angel too!! Click it to go to the site. Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com