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Charon City Map

This is Charon City, the only city on its specific area of the map that was founded by pokemorphs. If you would like to take residence in Charon, please, email me at , or contact me on msn at , or even on yahoo! messanger at daemon_caetus, obscene_clownage or bahamut_larreh. =)

Residents of Charon

Suzanu-Ou: Protecter of Charon, all-around 'dont piss this guy off' type of person.

Illusion: Suzanu's mate, all-around nice girl, very beautiful.

Lucky: Anthro Taurus, nice guy, but dont get on his badside unless you like being a pancake. Second CO-founder of Charon.

Nicholas: Anthro mewtwo, First CO-founder of Charon.

Caerce: Hybrid Poketaur, Body of a combined tauros/rapidash, upper torso of an anthro tauros, Third CO-founder of Charon.

Brian,(pkmn_trainer_brian) A nice human pokemon trainer, recently moved to Charon.

Phoenix,(phoenix_anthro_moltres) A beautiful young moltres, very nice, very hot (two-way pun =p).

Ricardo, (Ricardo_Grass_Pokemon_Expert) Nice guy, dont know much about him.. He now resides in the forest outside Charon City.