
This layout was made by me, and just because you sorry-ass biches can't make your won doesn't mean you have to steal mine!



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WWE Diva


I thought you were supposed to read the damn roleplay?

None yet and you're lucky you're not in it!

Roleplaying is fun. lol


::Molly:: Well guys you are driving down the road with me because today, you’re joining me for an interview! This is going to be my first one here in the EWE so bare with me ok?

Molly stops at a red light and another car pulls up next to her. The people inside the car stared screaming and shoving papers out of the window so Molly could sign it. She signed a few autographs and drove by, the people in the car behind her screaming, “I love you Molly!”

::Molly:: Aren’t the fans just adorable? Haha.

Molly turned left on South Beach where the interview was already set up, they gave Molly a Piña-Colada. She waited a few minutes till they finished setting up, and the lovely Terri sat down and started the interview.

::Terri:: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to Terri’s Corner. Today we are going inside the mind of EWE Superstar, Molly Holly. This is her first match here and she’s going against two males for the Intercontinental Championship. Talk about making good impressions. Hello Molly. How are you doing this morning?

::Molly:: Hey Terri. I’m doing very well for 7 AM in the morning. And yourself?

::Terri:: Can’t complain! The sun, the breeze, the smell of the ocean, couldn’t be any better. So what was the reason you came here in the EWE in the first place?

::Molly:: I couldn’t pass the chance of getting my time to kick around some men you know? I saw that there were no divas here yet and I thought it would be the perfect place to wrestle at. No offense Terri, I’m not saying that women don’t wrestle because we do and we do it well. I’m just saying that there are some not-so-talented divas that come into federations all the time because of their looks.

::Terri:: Who are some of these women you are talking about?

::Molly:: Well there’s Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson. I mean did you see their debut here? What a bunch of airheads! They were standing in front of the ring looking at thousands of people and they couldn’t even make a decent debut.

::Terri:: Now Molly, this is your first match here in the EWE, how does it feel having expectations stacked onto your shoulders? I mean one: this is your debut match, two: you are going against two men, and three: it’s for the EWE Intercontinental Championship Title!

::Molly:: Terri it’s so unbelievable, I’ll tell you that right now. Debut matches is what puts you on that list of being a great superstar. It’s the one-time chance that you can show people what you are capable of. And for me to be able to do it in front of thousands of people against two men, who are very, very great in the ring is an honor. I’ve dreamed that one day I would become a superstar here in the EWE, but I didn’t expect myself to be going for the Intercontinental Championship at the first chance that I got. The rush of joy, excitement, and fright… everything is just awesome. I don’t think I can put it in any other way. What if I win that match, what if I become the first woman in EWE to ever hold the Intercontinental Championship, be the first woman to beat two guys in the ring at the same time. If this match goes well then it’d be one for the books.

::Terri:: Are you confident in your ability that you might stand a chance against the men here?

::Molly:: I think I’ll do well in the match. I know that I don’t back down to any challenges and I don’t certainly run away from them. Rob Van Dam and Booker T are great competitors. I think that the two of them together would really bring hell to a person in the ring. But this is a triple-threat match, meaning everyone for his or her own butts. You go out there in the ring, you do the best you can, and you do whatever it takes.

::Terri:: As many of our viewers know we just had a photo shoot for you in the Bahamas. How did that go?

::Molly:: Oh I loved it! It was so tropical and I just fell in love with the place. I couldn’t speak.

::Terri:: Well Molly we made this special trading card for you when you went there. Here, take a look.

::Molly:: Oh how fun! Thanks.

::Terri:: Good luck on your match Molly, show the people what women can do in the ring and you win that gold.

::Molly:: Thanks Terri!

::Terri:: That’s all ladies and gentlemen! We’ll see you again next time in Terri’s Corner.

The EWE went to a commercial break. And after a few minutes, Molly went back to the EWE arena where Michael Cole met her.

::Cole:: Hi Molly, we just saw you earlier in an interview with Terri and you seem pretty confident. What are you going to do now?

::Molly:: Actually I was just about to go out to the ring.

::Cole:: You accepted a match made by Torrie Wilson and Trish Stratus. A bra and panties match, correct?

::Molly:: I’m not very proud of going into bra and panties matches, but Trish and Torrie won’t even lay a hand on me so I’m certain I’ll be fine. And that’s not all the stipulation is Michael.

::Cole:: What do you mean?

::Molly:: I mean that they wanted it to be a bra and panties match, so I said ok, but here’s my half of the match… it’s going to be a Chicago Brawl match as well!

::Cole:: A Chicago Brawl?!

::Molly:: That’s right, these women will know why I was accepted here, and they’ll know exactly what the true meaning of a diva is. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have fans to entertain.

Molly left backstage and starts to make her way backstage where she told the man to play her music.

::King:: Whoo hoo! Molly Holly is coming out here to the ring right now! I can’t wait!

::JR:: I think Molly has made it clear that she is not a woman to give up and she is certainly not a woman to be easily tossed around even with those cute locks in her hair.

::King:: Is it just me or does Molly look hot to you?

::JR:: King, I think Molly is a very beautiful girl with a lot of talent-

::King:: Ok, ok, she can kick ass, but she’s hot! Look at the puppies on those things!

::Lilian:: Ladies and gentlemen, making her way to the ring from Forestlake Minnesota, weighing at 140 pounds, Molly Holly!

::King:: Oh my God! Look at her! Ah ha!

The fans go up to their feet as the cute-but-deadly woman walked down the ramp and made her way into the ring. She stood in front of the crowd and got a microphone from Lilian.

::Molly:: Hey everyone! I’m here right now because I want to tell you all a little story. You see, when I first came here I thought it would take me days, no, weeks before I got a match. Being the only female in here I expected that people would treat me different and maybe, with a little less respect than the other wrestlers. I know some of you are still upset and mad at the fact that I get a title shot already when you haven’t seen me even wrestle yet, but that’s just it! You haven’t seen me wrestle yet! If you give me the chance to prove to you that I am a worthy diva of that title, then I will show you great matches day after day, after day. In this business there are people who are tough and people who aren’t. I came here so I could show the world what women were capable of. Trish and Torrie, they’re nothing but show-offs. Doing nothing but showing the body they have when all they do in the ring is trade slaps and hair pulls. It gets tiring to see women roll around on the ground and call it wrestling. It gets tiring when you hear people chanting “We want puppies!” We are more than just look, and I am going to prove that to you. Now as for bimbos like Trish Stratus and Torrie Wilson, you think that I’m going to back down to a little bra and panties contest? Shoot, you better be prepared because even if I don’t weight 80 pounds I’m still one hell of a woman, inside and outside. You’re going to see what a true diva is, a combination of both beauty and talent. So Trish and Torrie, better strap your bras on because once you get in the ring against me, there’s no turning back!

Molly hands the microphone back to Lilian and goes up the ramp.

::JR:: What a woman she is King.

::King:: Well folks tonight on Smackdown it’s going to be a triple-threat match for the Intercontinental Championship Title.

::JR:: That’s right! It’s going to be RVD, Booker T, and Molly Holly.

Backstage, the cameras catch up with Molly Holly and her superhero, The Hurricane.

::Hurricane:: Greetings fellow Hurra-citizen. How fine you look today.

::Molly:: Thanks Shane, so what do you need?

::Hurricane:: Well you know me, being really nice and sweet and stuff, and well… I want you to have this.

Molly grabbed the box Hurricane gave her and when she opened it, there was a new costume in it.

::Hurricane:: Go ahead, you can have it.

::Molly:: Well thanks Shane, but why am I getting this?

::Hurricane:: Since you’re a sweet, young, super heroine I thought it would look good on you.

::Molly:: Ok, I’ll go try it on.

Molly went inside her locker room to try on the clothes. The Hurricane smiles and nods his head, then flies off somewhere else. The EWE goes to a commercial break.