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Chabeck readies his legion of orc pawn, a fine day for killing...He sits on his broad horse, looking over his army. Today, the snow bunnies would die. Chabeck pulls out his telescope and suveys the land, seeing white heading across the tarrain. Soon would be the moment of seer conflict. He watched as his minions readied theyre rusty weapons, other orcs carrying large backpacks of bandaids, for none were bright enough to bring a cleric. The bunnies approached and the forces fell silent. Both were as stupid as the other. Chabeck screamed the charge, his boomingvoice yelling "AWARDASLINGBLAS!!" He was obviously very very drunk and the LFG tag had been on his title for nearly 5 hours and got so bored he made an army of orc pawns to fight snowbunnies, At hearing the cry, the orc pawns ran for their lives, confused my this warcry and chabeck was eaten by snowbunnies. Ironic indeed.