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Earth Based Discussion Group


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A Study Group for Women


If you are viewing this website then you have been invited into the Southampton Women's study group. Or you have mistakenly stumbled across this site, in which case you're probably bored already.

Well onto the good stuff. I designed this site so those who can't attend all the meetings can still follow along. Though if possible you should still try to attend the workshops since they are meant as a growing experience as well as a bonding experience. Just check the Calendar of Events for the latest updates on the reading schedule and the workshop dates.

I'm so excited about this group and from what I gather most of those who have contacted m are excited as well. I'm hoping that the group develops into more than just a discussion group. It would be nice to have a community of women who can comfort each other and confide in each other in an environment that is both nonjudgmental and supportive.

Please check out the various links to get a more in-depth idea of the things we will be discussing and studying, as well as any events we may host and other fun factoids.