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CassX's Archive

Hello and Welcome to this archive! I am the mod of this place, and my screen name is CassieXanthe, but I do accept variations! ^_^ This place is a collection of Harry Potter fanart and fanfics that I have written, drawn or thought was especially good.

About Fics:

If you want your work put up, then please...

Rate it properly either PG, PG-13, R or NC-17's.

Make sure that the grammar is at least suitably decent, no shortenings please! Ok, so we're not perfect, but we can try!

Put a proper disclaimer on, something like: 'All these lovely people belong to J.K. Rowling. If I owned them, would I be here writing fics for you lot? Nooooo...' Hehe!

Keep to using at least ONE cannon character!

If you want me to read your fic or recommend fics for me to read, please email me, at and put in the subject box: Archive fic/s.

About Art:

If you want me to put your art up, please make sure that...

It's not bigger than 800 by 800 pixels,

No bigger than 300k, (compressed work helps a lot!)

In either JPEG or GIF form,

And suitable for all ages to view. (No nudity, even if it is tasteful nudity! ^_^)

If you want me to view your art or put it up, please email me (address above) and put in the subject box: Archive art.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy!

Luv, CassX =)