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The World of Caenyr

The Forsaken


The Forsaken. One of the oldest and most powerful of all the Vampyre covens in Caenyr. This particular one lays to the northern part of the Kingdom of Tyran, but their numbers swell, and their desire for blood, and the extinction of mortal life, cause their presence to spread. Both noble, and monstorous, this is the vampyre guild any lover of the undead would crave.

What exactly is the Forsaken?

The Forsaken is a mixed group of mortals and undead. Not exactly the typical guild, the Forsaken is more so a society built hidden near the city of Frostwind. The views of the guild are lawful evil and the goals are rather simple. We wish to spread the truth of immortality and death in anyway possible but above that our top priority is to survive. This is what changes us from most guilds and we label ourselves more of a society, this is in part because undead are seen as abominations and plights against the mortal world. Many free willed undead do not see it this way and even some had no choice in the way they are be that as it may the Forsaken is a sanctuary for these people and those wishing to study in depth the ways of the undead.

Who can join?

Any undead looking to survive and also share our views. Also any mortal may join so long they are willing to study the ways of the undead and strive to learn of the god, Mor’tep. A mortal who joins is labeled a ‘familiar’ once it is granted membership.

You may worship the following gods and still obtain membership into our ranks so long you are also willing to learn and study of the god of death, Mor’tep:

Melivar (subject to change once his views are more clear)

Jabbress D'verin

Who leads this guild?

The current leader of this coven, Erivok Frost, is a pureblood vampyre who is very cunning, very old, and very wise. He is not afraid to do what it takes to ensure his groups survival. Erivok is almost 900 years old and has seen the rise and fall of nations and mans triumph, through all of it he has stood and continues to stand strong with his sect.

See Bio Here:

Type of RP?

Many of the mortals in the guild will focus their RP on basic things they would usually do. In other words it is rare that you will be swayed into things as a whole since the undead do not care what you really do so long you do not hinder their existence or show a threat to it. However mortals will be required to perform tasks for the guild, this is where the lawful evil attitude comes in. Anyone may join but it works a bit better if you are willing to get your hands dirty sometimes in order to help the undead. Also note you do not have to do these tasks as they will be mostly offered to you not forced since most characters are trying to learn of their ways.

Other undead will go about their usual things also. The majority of the undead are currently vampyres which revolves around hunting and feeding off the blood of mortals. Much of their RP sways around this and the actions of the group as a whole.

Overall the basis of the RP will be a neutral pull in the covens eyes. Their view of evil is much different from the view of any of the guilds.

Overall goal for the player?

The most important aspect of this guild is for the player to enjoy themselves within the rules of the group. We strive to make each person feel important and want to interact with the rest of the group. The sect is very tough and follows a strict RP standard and is being molded still as the players interact and get use to the atmosphere of Caenyr over all as undead. Playing an undead character is very difficult and is defiantly a responsibility, those who are have earned it and deserve the status.

Hopefully this small guide was informative. If you have anything further please contact Erivok Frost or the Second in Command, Amdosias through a PM. We will gladly answer any questions you may have! Thanks and enjoy!

Erivok Frost
Master of the Forsaken