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*My Homepage*

**Krishna** You are the sweetest guy i know, you always help me out when i need it and you make me feel better when i talk to you, thanks for being there for me, and helping me out.. Stay the same sweet person that you are.. And you have not only became one of my friends you have became one of my best friends..Me and you are the cool people Allison is just a loser. :o)Tell Allison to stop with the blonde jokes, We will make it to the movies one day.I had a blast at your house, I love it, it is so pretty.. Thanks for having me up..

**Kim** Hey what have we not been into, LoL Girl you are my Best Friend ever, And I am always here for you when you need me, and i know you are always here for me. (FREAKSHOW) Member that time up at the mall listning to bluegrass, that was so funny, And what about in science class when the water busted lol. And i was soaked, member when i fell down the steps in the gym i hurt my booty,i will never forget that time we had the hoods on our head in class, that was so funny. And i know we will have more great times latter on..Us and those fake lv's lol,do they have no carb fries too. Shis i can't believe we have less than four months of high school left, it is sad, but we will always be best friends no matter what, and i know we will have a blast at college, Hey Julio's lol that was so funny.. haha Member that day we walked arcross the bridge and it was cold enough out to frezze anythinmg and your car was dead.. lol it was so cold.. I love ya sis.. :o)

**Kayla** You are a awsome friend, stay the same.. Lylas :o)

**KeshiaD** You are a sweetheart, always stay the same.. I am glad i met you this year. :o) Lylas

**She-She** Girl we don't see each other much but you are still a good friend. Lylas~

**Jeanne** Hey chic! I am glad i get to talk to you again.. you are a really sweet girl, and stay that way.. :)

**Allison** You are like the sis i never had, I love you to death, You are a blast to hang out with,we are always together and we always have a awsome time.. Hey six pack.. YEAH lol roll ya rolls. You are the best cuz ever.. Hey hold this coffee while i put my bathing suit on lol.. I will never forget that.. Midnight with that Mountain Dew, that was too funny, then me laughing till i get sick, you are just the loser me and krishna are the cool people. and no i have not been useing that blonde shampoo again.. hehe, I am Jelly are you Jelly? I smell catfood, oh yeah its catwoman, what have we not got into, we are always doing something crazy.This is just for you.. “I can't help but sit here and think about all the stupid stuff we’ve done together... I wouldn't want to be stupid with anyone else!” lol Lylas~

**Bekah** There is no one like you, you are so funny, You crack me up all the time ,i am so glad i met ya. Lylas~

**Justin S** You are crazy.. But you are a sweet guy stay the same, Lylab~

**Kelly** Hey Keller lol you are a nice girl, you always have me craking up about something always stay the same never change. Hey where did she go? Huh! lylas

**Cindy** We always laugh in computer class lol.. I am glad i met ya.. Stay the same sweet girl that you are, I am going to miss you next year. Good luck chic.. lys

**Kandrea** Girl i am going to miss you next year, And i am going to miss driveing with you and Cindy, you all always made me go first, never change and never forget me.. Good luck in life. :o) lys

**Velma** Girl you are a crackerjack, Gooooooo lol member that in 5th prd.. :O) working in the office was fun, lol i will answer the phone one of these days. Stay the same lylas~

**KaylaD** Hey chic.. You crack me up, glad i met ya and i am going to miss you and cindy next year.. lylas

**HeatherH** Hey i am so glad i met you this year, you are a great friend always stay the same, i am going to miss you next year. Lylas~

**Britt P** Hey girl you are so crazy i love ya to death shissy, hehe, you are always cracking me and kim up stay the same sweet girl that you are, lylas.

**Carla** The day i took you home, Sheww that road is killer, lol but hey we had fun, me you and kim. I am glad i came to tv and met you all you keep me rollin.. Lylas~

**Charley**You keep me rollin, you are so funny.. We laugh about everything and anything hehe.. You are a really sweet girl and a awsome friend always stay the same, never change. Lylas~

**Wendi** Stay the same sweet girl that you are. :O) Lylas~

**Tasha** Hey girl, I am really glad i met ya, we have became good friends, and i don't know what i would do without ya! lylas

**Stacy S** Hey girl, you are really nice. I am glad i met ya.

**Betty** You are sweet stay the same..

**Tish** My baby sis, You Physco!That water is no no good LoL That was funny, I miss ya.. Lylas~

**Heather J** Hey, you seem like a nice girl, stay the same, and i am glad i got to know ya.. :o)

**Kate S** Hey girl, for a cusion you are cool, stay the same. Hope ya liked the keychain that i got ya at the beach.. :o)

**Sarah** I am glad I got to know ya. You seem like a really sweet girl.. Stay the same. :o) Lylas

**Jessica** You don't care to do anything, You will ball anyone out, LoL You are crazy, Stay the same.. Lylas

**Hey 2*Jackie,Sam,CandiceP,CandiceB,JarodT,Stacy. ~*~If i left anyone out i am sorry just let me know and i will add you~*~ **