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Welcome to the witchs brud, the devie network. This web page is a sister site or Pagan Nation & Raven Stead. We are a Pagan / Wiccan web group. If you have reached this page in error close it or you might be offended. Please view this page with care and responcibility.

The comon mis conseption we can control fire DAH! ok so how manny times do we have to exsplain this to you people witches dont burn and if they do it dosent kill them so sorry to put a damper on your holliday but havent you ever seen those pictures of those withces that were burned at the stake there just relly scared and relly bitter. then ther is that hole thing with that all withces ar ugly well exscuse me you would be too if you were 3000 years old thans for the enthuseasum and they only get that way because they are stupid and cast a immortality spell on them selfs not all witches do that only some and if we are so fritening than why dose it so happen that every time something relly bad happens there is a pegan circle or a new spell whats up with that were not what you think if we were what you said we were than we wolud change verry quickly and that is no joke we dont suport or endorse those type of activitys. thanks for you couriosety

Ah! The Mythical dragon. It still to day is one of the most alusive creatures in the world. Many have tryed to prove the exsistance of Dragons and failed. Manny say ther is prof look at the diary of merlin he speeks of them within his travels and yet some people say well look at who were talking about. many thought that merlin was a raving loony and that he was a fraud!. this is a fine acsample of a marvalus wyren!

Yes! The Grim Reaper one of my manny favorite Subjects i think that this is a cool pic of the kind of attiude that deth would have. aside from hat i dont know why everyone thinks that it is a such a bad thing. Why cant it be like that movie meat joe black were deth strikes a bargon with you and you piss off a lot of people and than die happy a few weeks later. what would be so bad about that i would love to have one last week of fun i mean you know that you can't die i mean deth is wanting all the time he can allow him self on earth so push the limits of deth your are only emotil until deths had enoughf!
was up for any one who shouldent be reading this just so you know this is a huge aray of poems songs home work(turned in and not) art (my own and some from friends and from magisene) also notes and this colection of odds and ends is what i call my oricall this is the cyber version just in case i lose or destroy any of the original. it begins now if you are afended by anything that emenem or dmx did dont read this. other wise enjoy and please be quit through the damm show!

THE DARKNESS In the beginning there was darkness allover the land as there were goblins and demons and evil ruins spread across the land there were no champions left to defend the land and reclaim it from the evil grasps of the hell spawned creature they called nall vauck this was one of the original bad boys he had all the potention and all the beginnings of power to do what ever he wanted but someone stood in his way. Their was a young prince by the name of hadereal non he was one of those chosen to defend the old code but the others he desired to travel with refuse they told him that there was no way that they wold travel to the land of unpurity they called this place the dark plain or otherwise known as the city called Rame ta this place even the evilest of men and woman strayed from wen the name was mentioned ther was not a wisper of anything but silence and no one dared to speak for fear of deth by any who would mention it This one prince was addressed by the name of hadereal the night of payn he was known by all he was the first angel to fall the devises of evil he thought he could rule over hell so he tried to take it …he lost…but he did try thus god shut him out and hell was no option so he became eturnily mortil doomed with their kind until the end of time wether he walked down a street in Rame ta or a street of one of the pure citys he caused silence no one would talk to him except the children behind their mothers backs or when no one was looking he spent his time in the grave yard mostly but one day a mesege came for him and with the raise of his hand a horse pure whit with wings flew down and he climed on the back of this creature and flew no more than two feet of the ground striat out of town and into the city of Rame ta soon some time later perhapse a week or so no one relly knows because no one took enouhgf notice that he was gone to care to see how long he had been gone for a white light emerged into the sky and grew closer and closer and brighter and brighter until it reached the pure city of travencall did anyone account for him as he flew back down grasened with war wounds and blood emerging from his body in every place emaginibul did anyone care they soon began to understand and as he fell from the winged horse he cried out NOW I DIE AND SO WITH ME DIES THE EVIL THAT HAS PLAGED THE LAND with those words he parished and the body turned to pure light and dissolved all the children looked on with tear filled eyes and the adults just turned the other way a short time after the spirit of this new found angel returned to show his graditude twords those who cared for him the most THE CHILDREN Thus the meaning. : IT TAKES A VILEGE TO RAISE A CHILED BUT IT TAKES A CHILED TO RAISE A VILEGE! Author

My Library

libarry works the first Location: undeturmened Invintory PUBLISHED Title.................................................Athour THE HEALING RUNES.....................................RALPH H. BLUM..&..SUSAN LOUGHAN THE MYSTICAL ARTS Subtitle:PALMISTRY...............................LAUREN DAVID PEDEN TAROT SPELLS..........................................JANINA RENEE THE WITCHES TAROT suptitle:TAROT CADRS.............................ELLEN CANNON REED A CETRURY OF SPELLS...................................DRAJA NICKAHARIC HELPPING YOUR SELF WITH WHIGHT WITCHCRAFT.............A1 G. MANNING GOOD MAGIC............................................MARINA MEDICI THE DRAGON ORACLE.....................................GILLIAN STOKES NEW BELIEVER'S BIBLE..................................NEW LIVING TRANSLATION HOLY BIBLE subtitled: NEW SCOFIELD STUDY SYSTEM..............GENUINE KJV CHILDRENS BIBLE NEW REVISED STANDARD VERSION DISCRIPTION: ILLUSTRATED,BLACK LETERED EDITION....NELSON LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR..............................FIRST ACT GUITAR METHOD.........................................YAMAHA THE ENCHANTED WORLD SUBTITLE: WIZARDS & WITCHES.......................TIME LIFE BOKS THE SORCE OF MAGIC....................................PIERS ANTHONY NINE PRINCES IN AMBER.................................ROGER ZELAZNY WATCHERS..............................................DEAN KOONTZ THE LOST PRINCE.......................................BRIDGET WOOD MEDIEVAL PEOPLE.......................................EILEEN POWER MACBETH...............................................WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR HORSES AND PONIES.....................................JUDITH CAMPBELL THE PARADOX PLANET....................................STEVEN SPRUILL MY SOUL TO KEEP.......................................JEAN M. FAVORS BLITZCAT..............................................ROBERT WETALL REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS.................................ZIM SMITH DRAGON OF DOOM........................................ROSE ESTES SABRIEL...............................................GARTH NIX THE BARD OF SORCERY...................................GERALD DANIEL HOUARNER HAND OF LUCIFER.......................................JHON TIGGES AND ALL BETWEEN.......................................ZILPHA KEATLEY SNYDER THE WALLS OF AIR......................................BARBRA HAMBLY HISTORY OF ENGLISH LITRATURE..........................EDWARD ALBERT, M.A. THE NEW BURGESS'COMMERCIAL LAW........................KENNTH F. BURGESS HARVERD CLASSISCS subtitle:CONTINENTAL DRAMA.....................P.F. COLLIER & SON CORPORATION SCIENCE DESK REFERENCE................................PATRICIA BARNES-SVARNEY THE X FILES VOLUME TWO................................JANE GOLDMAN TALES OF THE BROTHERS GRIM............................CLARISSA PINKOLA EST'ES, PH.D. WEAPONS...............................................EDWIN TUNIS THE TOWN..............................................BENTLEY LITTLE SILVER ON THE TREE....................................SUSAN COOPER HARRY POTTER & THE GOBLET OF FIRE.....................J.K.ROWLING WALK THIS WAY.........................................AEROSMITH & STEPHEN DAVIS DESPERATION...........................................STEPHEN KING WEBSTER DICTIONARY MODERN REVISION....................WEBSTER

My First Novel Part 1

The stone path Chapter 1

As we walked; Men Rethena on the path we heard the sound of our footsteps on it. Almost like a lady wearing highheels; you know that sound that they make that distinkct sound that could only be high heels. Well now that I think about it... I guess Cowboy boots make that same sound doesn’t they? But any way as we walked on the path we talked about being interdicted into the circle. And learning about the 8 different sabots. This summer is going to be so much fun ! uh Rethena before you get all raped up bliss i think you shoud know that my mom is all for me getting into this kind of thing;but my dad said if i did i know what will happen . So whats this mean your not coming ! I'm not to sure maybe... just wait

and see what hapens Ok. Rethena OK! Promis me Rethena. Terry hade stoped me in the mittel of the path and staired strait into my eyes the look in her eyes scared me; she was truly fritend and she was brething hard. I promes terry. You sware Rethena! Sware it Rethna. I swar.

As we walked to our next class s.s. Scoshel Scince our 7th pired. we are in difrent class rooms than each other.So i toled hear see you 8th pired and went it my room and sat in my seat then opened my bineder to s.s. Mery Ann the meenest giril in school who was in all my clasies but 5th she woudent be caut dead it the caffaterea . She and three other girls sat wispering and pointing at another girl who was new.who is that lin. Hear name is Arein And she has very littel tallernece for profsers with big mouths; by the way lin wear's the teacher any way . That was all i was abel to get out before the DEAN busted the door open and looked at the door like it was it's falt.

Then came in and shouted who's Arien the big mouth! The new girl shot up out of her sheat and said i got a big mout i think you nead a aditood adjustment pall! Every one in the room all at once made a loud noies that indikated that he was a man of athority in our school. And she shood not have chalenged him. Then the Dean said do you know who i am. DO i look like i care the new girl replide. I'm the dean. SO what. that's it your out of hear. You my office cytation now. Then she said so one more time and walked out of the room and the dean walked out behind hear then looked at the door like it was its fault one more time then the teacher cam in and shut the door and taut the lesen. after school lin told me that the teacher haseld hear about the books she had thay wear which craft books.

Later that night i told the story to my pairents about how the new giril had wicth craft books and the teacher had haseled her abougt them. So she just moved to black forest grove too. Ya so did terry so maby they will hit it off. Maby so. She will Mom she's a wiccian.

later on that night mom came in and sat down be side me and asked if i was ok she was woured becauls i did not eat very much at dinner . I toled her i was wored becaus ther was very little room for wichry as thay caled it. It upset me very much i my self was in to that type of thing and it had me woured ;and later on i would find out exsactly how littel talerece ther was for wichcraft and it gose to show you how nice people actuly are .

The Councel

Chepter 2

Three days later i was on my way home from school wen my mom puled up beside me and dac and toled me to get in the car after i got in i tould her about my day and she shared hers with me then she tould me that she was taking me to meet with the wiccian councel befor my inshashun tomaro night and then the time of my lessons in wicth craft. On the way home mom explaind a littel to me she toled me that tomaro night was the most importent of all and that i most do evey thing i was tould and then i woud haft to pass severel tests befor thay would exsept me . The next night i was driven by my mom to the moutan wear no one had ben in sixsty five years or so we all thout ; seams that ther wear wiccian meatings ther for severel years .

That night i was given a pentigram and touled to wear it at all times to school and ever ware eles but to take it of at night to sleep but to put it right back on in the morning wen i got up and then she told me that this was a test of enduence and that it would be wery toughf to fofil and that i must be strong but also she said i have to wear it in plane site wear others could see it or i would fail the test . At the time i thought nothing of it i thout all i had to do was wear a neckless but the next day at school i saw the light .

With out even thought i screemed the dean he tould me that i would have to wear the simbel under my shirt or take it off . I was so angry i felt like an inferno torching every thing i touched . I was so angerred wen i got home i toled mom and she had no smithy . later that night as i lay in bed i relised what the councel had said about it being a test of endurence and that it would be thouf to fofill so i will rouf it out tomaro at school and hope things get beter untill tomaro i will not know but i m strong so i thik i can handel it . The next morning i got up put on the nekles and went down to eat brecfast and ask dad fore some mony my frend dacl who i call dac was waiting for me as every morning my parents invited him in and oferd him brecfast and he allways grashusly declined .Dacl was difrent from ever one els he had a ruff look he had meedom lencth hair and wore loos bagy t-shirts and pants that saged to his ankels. Any way we have known each other scince the........ come to think of it i dont rember wen we met and we had ben freinds allmost that entier time.

Wen i left that morning i had a strange fealing about the day ahead of me and the peopel that i would face. I had told dac abought the crasy dreem i had the night before;and that is a nother thing abought dac i could allwasy tell him every thing and did for that matter. dac and i wer talking as we walked to school wen a exsplosen from behind our backs hapened we wer bouth nocked down by the exspolshin. Just then i looked up to see dac standing faceed back tword my house and two elumenating balls of energy sorounding dacs hands one on each of the hands. and from under his heavy swetter a pentagram light so brightly it shone through his swetter. as i saw this i looked down at my chest wer a light had caugt my eye.It was my peanical and it shone more britly than dacs; as i got up and turened tword the house to see a man hovering above and to the left of my house with his hand out reached and his fingers spreed. I instantly ran tword the house not knowing what i was geting into just then dac yelled at me and the man looked at me he repisiioned him self in the sky and aimede for me dac fireed a shot off and hit him it merly ticeled him by the way he looked at dac as to say you are going to have to do better than that buddy. As i raced tword the house i was getting angrer by the minet then just as i reached the crater wer are house use to be at i became over welmed with fear and greif. Now i hade relised that my parents wer dead and i hade no one but dac. Just as i looked up to see the man in the air my boudy burstout in flames and lifted in to the air in a moment of rage and suprise for me and my adault oponet i hureled a large ball of fire and magma at him it hit him and knoked him from the sky.

Wen he got up i dove for him;but he moved out from under me with incredebal speed and ajiluty. As he speed in a circul he stoped in the center of the circil that was composed mirly of flame. wicth he hade mad wen he ran in a circelon the ground below me; but all that time i was working up a supris for him and littel did he know that he would be struck down by the likes of a small girl; that had discoverd he power though her rage and fear for this ofencif person. Whom was not a person at all he was a strange sort of shaped being not at all humman but a type of ailen froim a small planet some were in the gylaicsy fore not much was known abought this strange charecter. for some were in her hart rethena new this being and yet she did not know him for he and this entire situation was new to her and to her way of thinking anddeling with the way she reacted to it. And it also afected the type of dision made about what to do. Manny times in her hart she was sceptical as to what she should do abought some thing that afected her and another person that she cared about.

Rethenas Awacening

Chapter 3

All of a suden rethena reconised that febal laughf and she then say at a disitnc a nother small figur the second figur relising that it had ben spoted darted up next to the first it was her parents that had ben fitting her all this time all along she had ben liveing with two aliens this made her qweston her judjment even furthen and this also made her wonder if she was an alien like her parents dac my best friend had also shown these powers did that mean that he was a alien as well just as she fineshed the thought a voice interupted her line of thought it was dac. we can also hear eachothers thoughts and thus we no what u are thinking and know all that ther is to know so listin to me and do what i say and maby just maby u will live to see tomaro. And were from ther dac we cant just keep running for the rest of our lives and if we can here each others thoughts than cant thay hear what we are saying. it only works wen ther is a link between two people.

Just as the two fines talking the other two atac and dac jets up nex to rethena as the two fight side by side thay realise how she feels abougt dac she drops form the fight and at the same time the male she is fightin fallows her every move and trys to intersept her moves and at the same time that dac makes the last deadly blow to the femal rethena is knocked from the sky she falls unconches and hits the ground dac is now so angre that as the male gose to turn around he is confronted by dac dac in a moment of rage knees the male fiter in the groyn so hard that he is propeled in to the atmosfeer and half insnerated by the knee of dac as dac flys down to get rethena he is suprised to see rethena get up and meet him half way to the ground. Are you ok rethena i am fine thank you dac. Rethena kisses dacon the cheek and flys back to the ground as dac just hovers in the air; rethena reaches tyhe ground and serches for dac she looks up to see him in a sort of transe she fly s back up rite be side him and wispers dacs name. as soon as dac hears his name he comes out of the trance and falls strait for the ground as rethena fallows she nells be side him and askes him if he is ok . dac blushes and gets up ofcorc i am he says as he walks limping to get his balk pak. now come we are going to be late for school if we dont hury. But what about my parents ther dead or alians one or the other i am confused what just happend i think...that is if i am not delearus that i just killed my parrents ofr the people who wear possing as my parents. Dac turns and starts to walk in the direction of ther school and says. In time you will learn. In time your hart will heal and your power will grow.

The next morning Rethena woke up in hear own bed in hear own house with hear old parents wen she went down stairs dac was waiting for her, This time he was eating brecfast....wicth was unusal behavour for dac over brecfast they discused the dream rathena had that night. As dac and rathena walked to school rathena continued to jaber about what a weird dreem that was. Just as they reached the end of the road (just out of site of rathenas house) dac cast a spell that cased a on coming snarling canine to be redused to a measly little mouse; to stop the mongrol from bitting dac and also to show raetena (witingly and comicly) that the dream was infact not a dream at all but that it all realety .

The next day they wear on the way to some other enchanted land wear they wear to seek the help of a warlock that was an old friend of dac they knew each other for many years and wear great friends. They wear on a train when she woke up the first time and the second time they wear on a small boat perhaps a gondola she was not sure wear she was she was drifting in and out of conches ness many of the what seemed like hundreds of times that she woke up she was noshes and dizzy and wanted to fall asleep because if she didn’t she knew that she was going to vomit and that was not some thing she was hoping to accomplish in the next two or so hours that it would take to reach the castle that vanders lived in on a supposed haunted mountain witch I never believed in ghosts but believed in ghosts but when we arrived at vanders castle I collapsed beginning to believe the whole castle had ghosts floating around the top and all around dac appeared to not be affected by the ghosts but I sure was and I am not sure if I was hallucinating or if I was actually seeing this in fact this was the first time the whole trip that I managed to say conches I think I was so afraid of the ghosts that I started awake as soon as we got thru the gate I passed out when I came to and saw vanders and was very surprised to find that he was a 8 year old boy sitting on a large throne and was very non charismatic and when I sat up and stopped to look around I was sitting on a small bed that was covered in roses and the bed it self was small and red and heart shaped and the material was soft and comfterbul and the bed was in a small corridor like room that was solid

To Be Continued

Sort Stories

Hell Spawn Welcome to hell...that’s what the sing said on the front of the painted windows that adorned the front of the billing . The window was painter black and the letters were riten in red and yellow flaming holographic letters that seemed to turn when the position you were standing in changed. As we entered the door a man in a long black rob that was hooded and so deep that you couldn’t see his face. So then we keepted walking through the store then there was a Curtin on the back wall that had a pagan star that was pointed to the ground. the whole entire room was the colors of saten and then we bouth relised that all the people that were not siticens were all hooded in the entire store and then we relised that they were all satineseds as the door slamed then another person entered the room through the curton on the wall as we looked on the curton we saw a hole in the wall as we rushed over to it in had no opening behind it there was just the brich and concret then we sat next to the wall. After a moment another walled through and we such up to the wall and then we saw some thing that nether of us could comprehend there was a huge room dark with shadow and what appeared to be holes in the ceiling shown bright light down on the areas were the strange robed figures stood over top of tables then as one of the shadowy figures moved to the side we saw it the was disfigured and queer very ugly and painfully stretched in very un-proper ways the man or woman I couldn’t tell...we couldn’t tell picked up a needle an slowly applied it to the skin just below the mans belly button then slowly started to push the needle that was now silver but shortly changed to a rust color and then pure whit and the needle dissipated and dissolved and was gone all the other puncture marks that had been made by the likes of one of those needles and were now dripping blood stopped and reversed in direction and then went strait back into the arm of the poor mans body and were there once was blood there was now pure white light and the body began to glow with the radiant white light as a man...thing...DEMOM that sat on some type of throne with a big upside-down star in a circle on the ground affront of yelled move away from him...but it was to late for them as his upper-body rose and he looked at them then his naked punctured body and then strait up in the air as a smile broke across his face and a burst of energy and light singed the air around the alter that he laid on in no longer smelled with the odder of death but with the sweet aroma of heavenly fruit and flowers this event angered the man or thing on the troun very much at this time he hung his head and released a sye from deep within including a howl that startled me and I jumped and he cult a glimpse of me from the corner of his eye and raised his head at the same time he yelled at the cloced men as there they began to run toward us and we turned and fled a hooded man stopped us because we ran into him he reached for my arm and I flung it back and hit him in the head an knocked the hood that adorned his head and reveled the ugly head atop his broad shoulders and when we started to run the others started to poor through the cur ton and they backed us in to a corner were the one in the front said nice try but the black blokes out the light then my friend said not for long and picked up a pice of crystal pointed it at the window and then a beam flowed from it and shattered the window when the light came through there skin boiled and there flesh melted and oozed to the floor in a green puddle that evaporated and disappeared then we looked at each other then turended and ran … several years later we met up and my friend that I had not known for so long had become some thing that even I could not comprehended and he was so involve with the satinesed that he was so corrupted and I asked him if he remembered the day and at that he snapped yes and pulled the crystal from his pocket and pointed it at me… together my friend and I walked up to the front of the store that had the two big windows blanked out with paint and the hallow graphic flaming letters and pulled on the door and it would not open so we walked to the Albertson’s next to it…two days latter he moved to Pasadena The end

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