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Saturday, 9 August 2003
*~Brittany Elizabeth~*
Hey, My name is Brittany Elizabeth Cates if you don't already know!!! My Birthday is June 1st I was born in Pocahantas Arkansas... I am 15...My favorite movie would have to be 8 Mile... You get to see Eminem's A$$Hell Yea...My favorite song Rest in Pieces by Saliva...Favorite past times Party Hell Yea... Go shopping...Be with Paul :D... thats about it... oh and i can't forget talking on the phone... my favorite People Steph, Paul, and Amy... Oh and i forgot Sally Sue my home gurl j/k... I have 1 sister and 2 brothers My sister Racheal she is 20...My Brother Micheal (bub) he is 18... and my brother Tracen i don't know how old he is I don't ever see him... What I look like...I have reddish blonde eyes...I am about 5'6" something like that...I weigh about 115 I think not forsure...medium complection...My personality is known to be...very outspoken...outgoing...funny(sometimes)...Umm...The most important ppl in my life would have to be Paul and my family...I't May sound kinda cold but myt friends I could care less I haven't found one true friend in my life so Fuck them...The say there your friend been then they turn out not to be so i don't really care about haveing friends if i do then thats cool if not then O'well...Well thats about it...Tell you more later... *~Brittany~*

Posted by magic/britt_n_steph at 9:30 AM
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*Stephanie Rena*
Hey, Its me!! I bet your so happy to read about me!:D I know I would be happy to read about me. I'll start off with my name-My name is Stephanie Rena Hart if you already havn't noticed. Well I was born April 19th in Pocahontas Arkansas. So basically I'm 16...almost 18 closer to 21...hell yea!! You wanna know what I look like???? I thought you did! I have dark brown hair with blonde highlights...and I bet your thinking its short!! Well your thinking wrong, its not long and its not short. Its like a lil below my shoulders. Muh eyes are..haha wouldn't you like to know??? I guess you'll never know. You know why???? And if you thought I won't tell you cuz I don't want you to know then your wrong! cuz the reason why i'm not telling you is cuz...I have no eyes. No, j/k muh eyes are blue. Yea, thats right pretty blue :P. Ok well, I'm about 5'2 1/2 or something like that. Yea I know short but hey its cool. haha short ppl have advantages. ;) No, just yanking your string. My weight...I'm like about-112 lb. Yea I know a cow huh??? j/k!!! People describe me to be around. I always have ppl cracking up. When I see ppl are down, I do mostly everything to cheer or to try to cheer you up. I'll do mostly anything for my friends...if you mess with them you mess with me. Its like a 2 in one thing. I'm very protective of my friends and family. The most important people in my life is my family and friends. With out my family's support and my friends advice to get me through my issues(haha what a wierd word) in life then...I don't know where I would be right now. My favorite past time would prolly have to be party and hang out with my friends. Oh, can't forget shopping!! B-4 I forget to mention...........go'n to the movies or most of all go'n to the.....mall and check out guys!! :D Oh I forgot to mention-I'm a Junior at Hoxie High School. I have 3 siblings. My real brother is 21(Jeff) and I have 1 half brother and he is 7(Sam) and my half sister is 5(Kimi). But I claim them as my real one's tho. My horoscope sign is aries...Ok well thats about it that I can think of. Nothing else rolls off the top of my head anymore...

Posted by magic/britt_n_steph at 8:46 AM
Updated: Saturday, 9 August 2003 1:57 PM
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