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Brian Krause

as Leo Wyatt

Name: Leo Wyatt

Occupation: Whitelighter but poses as a Handyman; former WWII medic

DOB: He was born on May 6, 1924 and died November 24, 1942 at the Battle of Guadalcanal

Spouse: Piper Halliwell

Child: Wyatt Matthew Halliwell (born February 16, 2003)

Leo was hired as the Halliwells handyman in Thank you for not Morphing in Season 1. Later in that season, Phoebe sees Leo levitating while fixing the chandelier. He explained to her that he was sent to protect them. Later Leo was shot by the poisonous arrow of a Darklighter, and Piper switched powers to save him (and of course switched them back). Leo saved Piper from a life-threatening illness and temporarily lost his wings. In Season 3, the elders finally let Leo and Piper marry.

Now they are happily married with a baby boy, Wyatt Matthew Halliwell. Unfortuately, Leo has accepted the call to become an elder.

Leo also has many powers:

He can orb. He uses this power the most. He can travel anywhere including "up there".

He also has the the ability to heal, although he cannot heal the dead.

Among his other powers, he can levitate above the ground.

In addition to those, he has other small powers he doesn't use very often if at all.

He can create heat and/or light.

Leo can also sense if his 'charges' are in danger or pain, but he can not if they or he are in the underworld.

His least favorite 'power' is the use of memory dust, that will erase the person's short term memory. He prefers not to use it because he doesn't want to erase important dates such as birthdays or appointments.