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L O V E  -n-  H A T E

LOVE : <3 Things I can't get enough of  <3

sushi, all those happy hardcore and trance song that make me smile uncontrollably, french fries, spontaneous people ,the color PINK even though I love the whole rainbow, ketchup, classic red roses, pink flamingoes, dancing by myself, eyes, making clothes for my best friends ,"raving", being center of attention, eye makeup etc etc...

HATE: Things I get annoyed of in an instant

guys who try and act slick and THEY AREN'T, guys who don't talk!, mustard, mean looks, the typical hemet high kid, when my hair doesn't do what i want it to do, when i want to sleep and people call ((which happens to me all the time)) haha, when people talk on and on about NOTHING, when a cd is scratched and skips like craaazzzy (( jesus' cds)), when people say the dumbest things and it's common sense... dumb BASSES!!, practically everything, etc etc the list goes on