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Hullo. This is the main page for the new cosplay group 3 Eggs and a Piece of Bacon. We just had our debut performance at the Masquerade at Anime Expo 2003, hopefully some of you may have seen us there ^-^ We won Best of Show at the Mini Masquerade and I, your humble master of this webpage, went on to do a walk on at the Masquerade to display my amazing hair to the public! I took 3 whole rolls of film and will bve getting them developed very quickly. The moment I get them back I will post them on my spiffy Anime Expo 2003 page for your viewing pleasure.

Well, please come back in a few days to check on this page, and support this brand new cosplay team that is aiming for the sky!

-Nakki ^-^


* Anime Expo 2003

* Nakago's Page
* Subby's Page
* Bunny's Page
* Tomo's Page
* Suzanne's Page