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PaGe FoUr

iM aDdIcTeD 2 JuSs A fEw ThInGz.. ..uR sMiLe*uR bOdY*uR eYeZ n *:. .:* *:. .:* oOh yEaH.. *yOu*

~*I'll risk everything i have. I'll fight till i bleed. I'll give you my life. If that's what you need.<3~*

~*If a tear fell from my eyes everytime i wished you were here. I would have a puddle of falling wishes lying upon my feet~*

׺ if you want me to wait. .i would wait for you ׺ ׺ if you tell me you stay. .i would stay right thru ׺ ׺ if you dont wanna say. .anything at all ׺ ׺ im happy wondering.

the `'sweetest'` letter for me is *I*; the sweetest word for me is .love. but, the only One for me is *.`you`.*

life may change very fast but we will always remember the past life can be bad life can be good life can be different like it shuld the moments have faded deep in side and thats something u will have to hide crazi days loveli nites hopes n dreams love n fight this is the day that goes 4 ever espeacially when were together

])•-›*iF i NeVa MeT u, I wOuLdNt LyKe U*‹-•([ /`·¸. ·*iF i NeVa LiKeD u, I wOuLdNt LuV u*· .¸·´ (`·¸_*iF i NeVa LuVeD u, i WoUlDnT mIsS u*_¸.·´) ×÷·´~`·.·•[-BuT i DiD, i Do, AnD i WiLl-]•·.·´~`·÷×

oh it was beautiful it was the night you asked me to stay with you forever, at first i was confused but now i know the truth cus i saw the sparkle in y o u r a n g e l e y e z

The first time i saw you i knew that i [loved] you

iF YoU LiVe 2 bE [100] i WaNNa LiVe 2 bE [100] MiNuS [1] So i WoN'T HaVe 2 LiVe a [DaY] WiThOuT YoU

i miss you more just hearin y0ur voice but that's all we've got -- we have no choice - if i could have jus wun dream come true * I' d dream a dream that i could --» b e w i t h y o u «-- «x3