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PaGe NiNe

When you walk by All I can think about is how you're the perfect guy I would love to be loved by you But you don't even have a clue just how much I love you Maybe I'm just too full of pride Maybe I don't wanna hurt even more inside But for some reason, I don't wanna let you know So even when my love doesnt show You're all that I want and i just cant let go

*•I couldn't help it when I've started to cry•* *•I've told myself that life is a lie•* *•You know love sucks when your dreams slip away•* *•I'd trade all my tomorrows for one yesterday•*

Friends say I'm 'away' Because I'm [down] with 'you' every day They say [break away] I'm missing out on the 'fun' and 'games' But you [smile] and the words they tell me quickly 'disappear' You speak and there's is [no] 'other' [voice] that I can hear

I thought I was over you It turns out I was just confused I know how you feel about me Why can't I make myself understand

You've brought on tears You've brought on pain But since you've come into my life I havn't been the same

i sTiLL reMeMbeR tHa ThiNgS u SaiD-TheY RePLaY iN mY hEaD-aNd uR sMiLe U uSeD tO SeNd mY WaY iS w* me aLL tHa TiMe-
i ReMeMBeR aLL tHa ThiNgS u DiD BaCk 2 tHa TiMe wHeN we FiRsT MeT-tHa MeMoRieS aRe aLL i HaVe Left of u.. HoW cOuLD i eVer 4geT...

OnE tHiNg I LeArNeD aBoUt LiFe -iT gOEz On- OnE tHiNg I LeArNeD aBoUt LoVe -iT nEvEr LaStS- OnE tHiNg I LeArNeD aBoUt PeOpLe -ThEy ChAnGe FaSt-

•Inside• •I'm cryin' baby• •Inside• •I'm dyin' baby• •I don't wanna let you see• •Baby what you've done to me• •So I keep it all inside• •Inside•

`The [deeper] that it |gets|´
`The [harder] that I |fall|´