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PaGe SiX

yOu nEvEr rEaLiZe hOw MuCh yOu lOvE sOmEoNe.. uNtiLL yOu WaTcH tHeM lOvE sOmEoNe eLsE..

sO KiSs mE haRd.. CuZ tHiS WiLL bE tHe LaSt tImE tHaT i LeT yOu..

i WaNt tO SaVe yOu.. pLeaSe sPeAk sLoWLy.. My hEaRt iS LeArniNg.. tEaCh mE hEaRtaChE.. sToP tHiS BuRniNg..

WiThOut yOu eVeRyThiNg mEaNs aBsoLuTeLy nOtHiNg

oNe DaY yOu*Re gOnNa cOmE uP tO mE aNd aSk mE wHiCh iS mOrE iMpoRtAnT.. yOu oR My LiFe.. tHeN yOu*LL WaLk aWaY nOt kNoWiNg yOu aRe My LiFe..

i MiSs yOu SiNgiNg mE tO sLeEp.. cOuLd yOu wHiSpEr iN My eAr.. tHe tHiNgS yOu WaNNa fEeL..

dOn*T wOrRy.. sOmEdAy sOmEoNe WiLL tHaNk yOu fOr LeTtiNg mE gO..

sO hOw DoEs iT fEeL.. hOw dOeS iT fEeL.. cUz iT*s tEaRiNg mE aPaRt..

i nEvEr tHoUgHt i*D DiE aLoNe..

eVeRyThiNg i lEaRnEd aBoUt bReaKiNg hEaRtS.. ..i lEaRnEd fRoM yOu..

dOn*T cRy oVeR sOmEoNe wHo wOn*T cRy oVeR yOu..

i*M nOt oNLy iN lOvE wItH yOu.. i*M iN lOvE WiTh uS.. tHe wAy ThInGs wErE.. aNd tHe wAy tHiNgS cOuLd hAvE bEeN . .

iF i cOuLd bE yOuR FiRsT rEaL hEaRtaChE.. i wOuLd dO iT oVeR aGaiN..

sEe tHe TrUtH iS.. yOu cOuLd sLiT My tHrOaT.. ..aNd WiTh My vErY LaSt bReAtH .. i*D sTuMbLe oUt aN ..aPoLoGy.. fOr bLeEdInG oN yOuR sHiRt..

pLeAsE JuSt dOn*T pLaY WiTh mE.. My PaPeR hEaRt WiLL bLEeD..

DiD yOu tHiNk i wOuLd cRy oN tHe pHoNe? dO yOu kNoW WhAt iT fEeLs LiKe BeiNg aLoNe..

pEopLe sAy yOu OnLy FaLL iN lOvE oNcE.. BuT tHaT*s nOt tRuE.. BeCaUsE eVeRyTiMe i sEe yOu i FaLL iN lOvE aLL oVeR aGaiN..

i*M TaKiNg My TiMe.. i*M tRyiNg tO lEaVe tHe mEmOriEs oF yOu bEhiNd.. i*M gOnNa bE FiNe.. aS sOoN aS i gEt yOuR PiCtUrE RiGhT oUt oF My MiNd..

hOnEsTLy..cOuLd iT bE yOu aNd mE.. LiKe iT wAs bEfOrE.. nEiThEr LeSs oR mOrE..

MayBe i sHouLd HaTe yOu fOr tHiS.. nEvEr rEaLLy DiD eVeR qUiTe gEt tHaT FaR..

i tHoUgHt yOu nEvEr WaNtEd tO sEe Me hUrT.. dOeS tHaT mEaN uR eYeS wErE cLoSeD wHeN i WaS cRyiNg..

i tHoUgHt yOu SaiD fOrEvEr.. bUt i MiSsuNdErsToOd.. i tHoUgHt yOu SaiD yOu lOvEd mE.. i tHoUgHt yOu aLwAyS wOuLd..

gOiNg aLL tHe wAy.. lOoKinG sOo hOpeLeSs.. eVeRyDay..DaDdy'S LiTtLe dEfEcT .. aLL tHe SaMe kEeP yOuR sEcReTs aWaY fRoM mE..

aNd i*D gIvE uP fOrEvEr tO tOuCh yOu..

..yOu CaN*t FiGhT tHe tEaRs tHaT aiN*t cOmiNg..

ER>Another day is going by I'm thinking about you all the time But you're out there And I'm here w a i t i n g

.·Will you remember me?·. 'Cuz I know .·I won't forget you·.

I'm alone and the world is having more fun than me

What the fuck is wrong with me? I don't fit in with anybody How did this happen to me? Wide awake I'm bored and I can't fall asleep cause every night is the worst night ever

I tried to make you happy but you left anyway


dOn`t yOu ever w0nder wh0 wOuld really give a fuck if yOu were g0ne?