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So I keep myself To myself I don't want nobody to know me I keep myself To myself I don't want no lover to own me

My heart feels like its all broken up In tiny pieces that I'll never find And I know that I will heal someday I will feel again
But it might take a little more time

Lately I've noticed How much you've changed Even though you swear You're the same So why do I feel
A million miles away?

Silently leaving This behind Nothing left but me

Now endless questions fill my head Some nights I'm frightened by the answers no you can't hurt me, nothing's real
No pain you cause can last forever

Lost is all I will be You are all I will be Wasted broken Promise silent Lies

I'm sorry that I hurt you Please don't ask me why I want to see you happy I want to see you shine

I wanted to be something Just shut your mouth

I know how to hurt and heal I know what to show And what to conceal I know when to talk
And I know when to touch Noone ever died from wanting too much

I just can't face it no more Every time I look in the mirror I don't see anybody there everything is hopeless

My daddy's dead I can't get it through my head Though it's been so many months
My daddy's dead I can't explain so much pain I could never show it my daddy's dead

The roses in the window box Have tilted to one side Everything about this house Was born to grow and die

I'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short sighted narrow minded hypocrytics All I want is the truth, Just gimme some truth

What in the world you thinking of Laughing in the face of love What on earth you tryin' to do It's up to you, yeah you

Say you want a revolution We better get on right away Well you get on your feet And out on the street

Here in some stranger's room Late in the afternoon What am I doing here at all? Ain't no doubt about it I'm losing you

My feet are so heavy So is my head I wish i was a baby I wish i was dead

Mother, you had me, but I never had you I wanted you, you didn't want me So I, I just got to tell you Goodbye

People say we got it made Don't they know we're so afraid? Isolation We're afraid to be alone Everybody got to have a home

I wOnder why i try
I wOnder why i bOther
I wOnder why i cry

Even though things changed
i still think abOut yOu

You’ll be the one that’s innocent
You’ll be the one I can’t hide
You’ll be the one that makes me cry, baby

bein happy doesnt mean
that eveRytHing is perfect
it means that uve deciDed
to look b e y o n d the
- i m p e r f e C t i o n s -

Sometimes you have to take things the way they are,
not the way you want them to be or the way they could have been,
and sometimes it turns out that what you thought you really wanted,
is nothing compared to what you get ... xoxo

iM aDdIcTeD tO tHoSe KiSsEs ThAt kEeP mE uP aLL nYtE
i NeVa KnEw DaT bEiN wRoNg CuD eVa feEL dIs RiGht

One More Candle On The Cake One More Nightmare Till Your Awake
One More Boy That Tells
You Lies One More Evening Filled With Cries
One More Afternoon the Rose Keeps dying
One More Night And I'm Still Trying
One More Day With So Much To Go Through
It's Just One More Second And Your Thinking..
--> * W h a t M o r e C a n Y o u D o ? *

And when you look,
its gone, its too late
to turn around .and
it's another .. *day
facing yourself and
da things that youve
. . done . .

Some days wouldn't be special... if it wasn't for rain
Joy wouldn't feel so good... if it wasn't for pain

i DuNo WhAt tO sAy FoR yOu
[FrIeNd] oR [LoVeR]
i JuSt CaNt SeEm tO PiCk
[OnE] oR tHe [OtHeR]

iTs HaRd 2 pReTeNd U LyK sUm1 WeN u ReaLLy DuN
BuT iTs HaRdEr 2 pReTeNd U dUn LyK sUm1
WeN u ReaLLy Do

It's not that I don't know
It's just that you wouldn't understand if I told you.

Keep him guessing --> Never let him see you stressin
Things go wrong, but keep your head up & [stay strong]

If your not willing to take the chance,
Then you obviously don`t want it bad enough

Some of us think holding on makes us strong;
But sometimes it's lettin' go.

DoNt WoRy BoUt Me n WuT I Do
WuT HaPeNs In My LiFe HaS NuTiN 2 Do WiT U
So KeeP Ur MoUtH ShUt & StOp TaLkiN ShYt
Im SiK Of u ByTcheS & ALL Ur BuLLsHyT

I've learned that things change, people change,
and it doesn't mean you forget the past or try to cover it up.
It simply means that you move on and treasure the memories.
Letting go doesn't mean giving up it means accepting that some things weren't meant to be.

eVerY niGhT iN ThE dArK i
LiE aWaKe iN bEd, hOw aM i
sUpPoSeD 2 dReAm WiTh aLL
ThE sTaTiC iN mY hEaD, i
TuRn iN aLL DiReCtiOnS n i
PrAy 4 sOmE ReLieF, wHaT
cAn i Do BuT FeeL ThE
wEiGhT i`M uNdErNeAtH n GriT mY TeeTh

They Say gOod Things Come To An End
But Im Optimistic Bout Bein Ur Friend

False smiles so no one can see
Everything they hate is a part of me
I just want to live my life
they just want to hear me cry

if u ask urself the question
was it really worth the pain?
the answer jus mite suprize u
cuz the sun is worth the rain

That`s what you can call me
After all I am me and don`t fit a certian category
I`m just a girl who lives life day by day
And always manages to put a smile on my face
Even if that day I`m a complete mess

I thought that even you,
had feelings for me to,
I know I was wrong.
And baby when you care,
then I will be there,
by your side.

And now I stand here alone in the dark,
without you.
There's nothing more that I would like,
to be with you.
I close my eyes but I can't stop,
thinking of you.
And now I stand here alone in the dark,
without you.

Dont Make Me Walk Away
Dont Wait For Rain
Show Me Another Day
Turn Me Around And Ease My Pain

Im In A Place Where I Cant Breathe
Something Is Wrong Cuz I Cant See
Why Youd Xpect Me To Give IntO You
Im Like A Land W/O A Name
Somethings Can Never Be The Same
Why Would You Want Me To Give Into You?!

SuNs GoNnA sHiNe aNd RaInS gOnNa FaLL
BuT tHaTz LiFe, So DaNcE iN dA pUdDLeS
aNd bAtHe iN tHe SuN aT tHe eNd oF tHe dAy
JuS sMiLe aNd iT wILL aLL bE Ok