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PaGe TwEnTyOnE

It's been too long and I'm lost without u What am I gonna do Said I been needin' you, wantin' you Wonderin' if ur the same and who's been with you Is ur heart still mine I wanna cry sometimes I miss you

ppl say that time heals tha broken heart.. but i don't beleive that.. i think that u eventually 4get about it.. and then the next time ur around that person.. or talk to that person.. all the feelings u felt towards them before.. return..only stronger

i UsEd tO bE nOrMaL YoUnG aNd HaPpY NoW iM LeFt a BrOkEn iMaGe oF tHe GuRL i UsEd tO bE

2dAy I mEt A fRyNd.. WhO kNeW eVeRyThInG i FeLt. ShE nEw My EvErY wEaKnEsS.. aNd ThE pRoBlEmS i HaVe DeAlT. bUt..WhEn I wEnT tO hOlD hEr HaNd.. 2 PuLl HeR nEaReR.. i ReAlIzEd ThAt "PeRfEcT fRiEnD" wAs NoThIn BuT aN iMaGe In Ma MiRrOr.

mY mOm AlWaYz SaYd ThAt I'd FiNd ThA pErFeCt GuY ..sHe NeVeR tOlD mE i'D hAfTa 4GeT hIm

SoMeTiMeS..i just wanna hold my head down and cry myself to sleep because its people like you that do this to me..the things you say..the thought's you mean..the feelings that are dissapearing..the love that you no longer have for all *hurts*

xoxo therez alwayz that 1 that u'll never forget..and somehow love forever oxox

<3 I dont miss him-*-I MiSs WhO i ThOuGhT hE wAs I dont luv him-*-I jUsT lUv Da MeMoRiEs We HaD I dont need him-*-I rEaLlY nEeD tO lEt HiM gO <3

i must have wished on sum1 else's star..cuz she got exactly wut i wished for..

i wanna b back in ur arms again.. i wanna b happy again.. i wanna b smiling non-stop again.. i juss wanna b *ur girl again*

Yes its ture I have had my heart broken what about you
I thought I would be with you 4ever But now I can see I will be with you never

[|©unpretty©|] (( i wish i c0uld tie y0u up in mii sh0esz )) )) make y0u fe3l unpr3tty t0o (( (( i was t0ld i was b3autiful )) )) but what d0es that m3an t0 y0u (( (( l0ok int0 a mirr0r s3e wh0*z inside th3re )) )) the 0ne with the medium hair (( (( same 0l` m3eh aqain t0daii )) l[©unpretty©]l

no goodnight shweet lulaby`sz
she never though lyfe would be this hard
everywunn say`sz it`ll get better...buht
she`sz still waiting fawr that to happen
So she can wake up from this nightmare
all the hatred n sorrow it just keeps goin
Everyday is sooooo dark 'nd grey theresz
nothing she can do Her Whole World Is
Crashin down on her And All Her Dreamsz
...Are shattered...

I can’t take it what am I waiting for My heart still breakin I miss you even more And I can’t fake it the way I could before I hate you, but I love you But I can’t stop thinkin of you It’s true I’m stuck on you

sometimes the feeling
you start to have again
is the one u n e v e r
stopped having(¨`v´¨)

you can always close your
eyes to things you don`t
wanna [(see)] but you can
never close your heart to
things u dont wanna [feel]

u can try to break my
heart but it isn`t goin
to work i already told
you that i wazs
u n b r e a k a b l e*]

ii don`t know whyy ii`m styll w ai t ii ng ii can`t m a y k e you m ii n e

ii dOn`'t wanna lOse you ;* i would never make it alone