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PaGe TwO

L is for tha way u *LoOk* @ me O is for tha only *1* i see V is *vErY*vErY* extraordinary E is ever more then *AnYoNe* that u adore.. *LoVe Is AlL tHaT i CaN gIvE 2 u*

if he's the [FiRsT] thing u think about when u wake up in the mornin.. the [OnLy] thing u think about all day.. and the [LaSt] thing u think about rite before u go to sleep.. tHeN u KnO uR ReAlLiE iN [lUv]

i never could have thought i'D luv sOmeOne aS much as [ i * L O v e * y O u ]

: :i used to run in circles: : : :going nowhere fast: : : :i*d take one step forward: : : :end up two steps back: : : :couldn*t walk a strait line: : : :even if i wanted to: : : :i wanna love somebody: : : :love somebody like you: :

to love and be loved is like feelin the sunshine from both sides

love is a friendship set on fire

All I need in this life of sin, is me and my girlfriend. Down to ride to the very end, it's me and my boyfriend.

i know three little words that i felt from the start * i know three little words that come from my heart * i know three little words that tell you it's real * i know three little words that tell you how i feel [ I l O v E y O u ]

you kiss my lips i close my eyEs, away we fLoat tO paradise aNd aLL the people stop tO see -aNd- ...softly whisper O X x x · . [they're meant to be] . · x x X O

wEn iM aWaY fRoM him -i CoMpLaiN wEn iM NeAr HiM-i sMyLe wEn i MiSs HiM-i CrY BuT wEn i SeE him i HaVe NuThiN tO SeY CuZ tHe UrGe To KiSs HiM tAkEs My BrEaTh AwAy