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PaGe 4

WaLkIn DoWn ThA __StReEt__ FeElIn Da »BrEeZe-- As AlL Da PaPiZ HeAdS TuRn 90 »DeGrEeZ StRuTtIn Ma »S tU fF sHaKin Ma »B oOti i Cuz No 1 CaN »rEsIsT diS VaNiLlA tHiGh »cUtIe

You can't imagine what it means to me I'm gonna grab myself a place in history A teenage idol thats what im gonna be

x´¨) Therez *OnE* spOt on A .·` girL you can touch 2 make ( ¸ .·»her go crazi x3 her heart

yOu.. « Can*t tOuCh » tha untOuChabLe « break » tha unbreakabLe « shake » tha unshakeabLe « can*t see » tha unseeabLe « reaCh » tha unreaChabLe « dO » tha impOssibLe « can*t mOve » tha unmOvabLe « stOp » tha unstOpabLe .. but ii Can

*· ¡M å gÊÑie
·.°. ¡Ñ Å ßð±±le
. ßåߥ u Gø±±å ®Üß
)º( Mê ÐÅ ®¡Tê
(__) WÃ¥ HØÑêy°º

im not gonna drink just to please the crowd im not gonna be a slut and sleep around im gonna say what i think and say it loud ima say what i believe and ima stand proud im gonna be me no matta who im around

wish youd give me a night or two ohh babie the things id do witchu

when you call me a bitch i just smile - giggle and walk away cuz i knew that long before you told me

-e y e s pop- -j a w s drop- h e a r t s stop yep thats right -Mandys here-

every one knoz that i am shy i could barely approach ne guy but i wna find a way to get u 2 n0tice me, n i wanna get wit u * xx ---» if u can only see

i smile when i see u n0 tearz will eva sho i kno i will alwayz luv u but u will never know

i wanna be the gurl u dream of at night i wanna be the gurl dat u hold s0o tight i wana be da 1 who queen of ya world .·'`babi all i`m askin is to be ur grl'`·.

JuS CuZ U SeE Me SmiLiN
DoNt MeEn ItZ CuZ Of U
So KeEp It MoVin PlAyA
Im JuS InA GooD MooD

>Wouldn’t it be nice if
sweatpants were sexy..
Mondays were funn..
And drizzle made your hair look better?