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Contessa Dollz

This is the first one I made and it's just your casual dollie.
This is one of favorites because of the dress.
Pretty in Punk!
This is a Diva version
Something Formal
Who wears short shorts? Tessa wears short shorts! I wanted something sweet and Valentine-ish, and this is what I came up with. :)
I couldn't find the robe I made a while ago. :( But I still put her in a Hogwarty outfit.
Yet another casual doll. This one actually matches the description that I wrote up for her very well, including the curly hair.
Chic Chick. Karen from Will and Grace was wearing something like this and I liked it so made a dollie version of it.
I just picture this as something she would wear to a party or some other social event of the like. *shrugs*
This is kind of a "preppy" version of Contessa.
Hippy it up darlin'!
The Butterfly Queen! This one and the one after this are personal creations. Well, the clothing and wings, butterfly, and belt were made by me.
And of course... the fairy!