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iM a [RuDe AsS bYtCh] WhEn i NeEd tO bE BuT [iM cOoL aS sHyT] iF u ReAL WiD mE

WaTcH OuT CuZ Da BaCk U StaBBiN NoW Is Da AzZ U'LL Be KiSSeN TomArrOw

*~-:-~* U sHoUlD bE mY tHuG..mY tRu gAnGsTa gUy tHe 1 wHo lOOkS aLL tUfF.. yEt wOnT eVeR mAkE mE cRy U sHoUlD bE mY bAbY..tHa 1 tHaT uNdErsTaNdS aNd eVeN wHeN hiS bOyS aRe tHeRe.. hE's liKe..wAnNa hOld mY hAnD? *~-:-~*

[*x*]2 aLL DeM HoEz WhO B tAlkIn MaD sHyT[*x*] [*x*]JuS sAvE yO lIpZ fOr ThE nExT dIcK[*x*]

NTER>--aww you tryin to be as cute as me?.. bitch.. ya trippin, i do it naturally

if your numba one.. then im negative two.. basically bitch.. im still better than you

U Aint Gotta Like Me
Ur Juss Mad Because I Tell It How It Is
N U Tell It How It Mite Be..

|[ ii`ma tru qanqsta queen hOldin` shiit dOwn -»
|[ thiink yOu can take mah crOwn `nd wear iit prOud -»
|[ well hOe`z yOu miistaken sO bOw dha fuck dOwn -»

»iish kiinda funny hOw
ii dOn`t wanna share a niiqqEe »
»whO aiin`t even miine

iin dha end yOu learn whO`z fake
..whO`z tru..
n whO`D risk errthanq fuh yOu

¬» nevah hOLd back On shii jOu wanna dO
buh Let qO Of dOSz whO juSz can`t stay tru «¬

mah styLe ; type hOtt `* yOu can`t tOp dhiiSz
cuSz cOmpared tuh meeh ; biitch yOu aiin`t shii
keep jOqqiin` mah fLOw ; buh Let iit be knOwn
yOu aLwaySz qOnna be juSz anOtha hatiin` hOe

hOe`z be ridiin` `en suckiin` diick ; thinkiin` dey iit
weLL fuck aLL dhat ; niiqqEe`z be Lickiin` mah cLiit ..`*

we dOn`t fake iit .. we jusz dOiin` us
we jusz kiick iit .. frOm dawn tiiL dusk

__` wha chu thOuqht eSe ; we aiin`t qOt nO priiDe !? ..`*
____{(¬´» yOu reaDy tO see ; hOw we riide On dha sOuthsiiDe `*?!

({ ii take a bOwL tO dha head })
}) `en put mah miinD at easZ ; ({
({ wOrk wiit nuttiin buh hustLasz })
}) `en rOLL wiit nuttiin buh G`sz ({

;* harD lOviin` *; straiiqht thuqqiin`
biitCh ii aiin`t dOiin` dhiisz shii fuh nuttiin

dha type Of qerL yOu`dD Lubb tuh have `*;
_*`jusz uh LiiL thuq wiit aLOt Of cLass

qanqstasz dun diie ;`
`*.. we muLtiipLy

quiit yO yappiin` fOr i haftuh qet tuh cLappiin`
`en have yuh bOdy partsz miix `en matchiin`

all im lookin for is a thug with affection so i could be his angel & he'll be my protection

bitch.. whats that, i didnt hear you ooh yea thats right, you only say shit when i aint near you

>you think im a bitch & that may be true.. or it could just be that i dont like you