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PaGe ThReE

7 l e t t e r s 2 w o r d s 1 m e a n i n g *F U C K Y O U ! !*

*B* is for how BeAuTiFuL i am *I* is for how InCrEdIbLe i am *T* is for how ToUgH i am *C* is for how CuTe i am *H* is for how HaRd im gonna kick ur ass next time u call me a BiTcH

‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._. ‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._. ‹´~`._.ImA BtCh YeA I KnO‹´~`._. ‹´~`._.BuT DaTs AiGhT‹´~`._. ‹´~`._.CuZ uZe A Ho‹´~`._. ‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._. ‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._.‹´~`._.

x°º°xI Can See Da Hate In Yo Eyezx°º°x

xº ²To aLL u GuRlS dAt dOnT L¡Ke mE- 1 OnE wOrD --> JxExAxLxOxUxSxY <--

º×º 2 You Hoes º×º 1 Finqer Like A Playa 2 Finqers Like A Pro Tha Middle Finqer Cause.. You A Ho!

°.°yOu taLk iT°.° *.*i LiVe iT*.* °.°uR jEaLoUS°.° *.* aDmIt iT*.

´¨''°*³`×.„¸‚×,¸„.×´³*º°''¨` I Wasnt Always A _ Bitch _ Until Dumb Pplz Turned Me In Ta ONE! And Datz Fa Sho ´¨''°*³`×.„¸‚×,¸„.×´³*º°''¨`

I dO my Own Thinq 'nd Shyt I lOve it 'nd If ya jealOus..qood I think nada of it they dO it tru..dO yOu is my numba One rule lOok im qrOwn hataz? i leave em lOnq qOne

this qirlz iced Out cause mOney aint a thinq everywhere she qOez she is qOnna blinq

She Stayz qanqsta neva actin shady stash qatz lyke a thuq buh appear lyke a sOphisticated ladie

get it right beother, jump, gimme the beat then imma make it bump, tell em wutcha wana hear, damn, lets get cam, trouble witcha man, imma pop my trunk

Im Full of... Gorgeous Eyez n Pink Lipgloss Tight Jeanz N Dat Constant Hair Toss Crazy Nights N Insane Moves Blazein Clothes N Sexy Moves Delicious Lips Devil Stare I Got All The Ugly Bitches Thinkin DAMN IT AINT FAIR!