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PaGe TwO

BeStFrieNdZ LaUgH aT aLL mY JoKeZ ...PuT uP WitH mY WoRsT mOoDz ...gO aLonG WitH mY cRazY iDeaS ...aNd sTiLL MaNaGe tO sEe tHe BesT iN mE

fREiNdS PiCk U uP WeN U TriP & FaLL {bEst fRiENDs LaUgH AnD TrIp U aGaIn}

.:*sometimes i wonder where id be*:. .:*if i neva met you -n- you neva met me*:. .:*who would i laugh with and cry till da end*:. .:*where would i be w.o my best friends*:. .:*love yas*:.

dont remember how we started talkin - i dont remember who got along with who first - all i remember is how we both came together- n became best friends forever

¤*.¸¸.·´¨`*¤*¤*`¨´·.¸¸.*¤ ThYnGs ChAnGe n PpL dO tO bUt mAh LuV gOeS oUt To a CeRtaiN fEw ThA oNeZ wHo R tHeRe ThRu GoOd n BaD iD sAy tHeYr dA bEsT fRiEnDz iVe EvEr hAd ¤*.¸¸.·´¨`*¤*¤*`¨´·.¸¸.*¤

WeVe aLwAyZ bEeN MaDd TiGhT FoReVeR fRiEnDz .. YeA dAtZ rIgHT We sHaRe cLoThEz n MaKEuP .. BrAiNwAvEz tOo WiTHOuT hER i DuNo WHAt iD dO

^-°¤°-^GuRlZ JuSt WaNnA hAvE fUn^-°¤°-^

Our laughs are --»* [(L i m i t L e s s)]* Our memOries --»*[(c O u n t L e s s)]* Our *friendship* --»*[(e N d L e S s)]* lOve my friiendz..can`t thank ya enuff..

KoDaK aInT gOt EnOuGh MoMeNtZ tA cApTuRe AlL tHA TrOuBlE wE cAuSe

*-friendship-* life may change very fast but we will always remember the past life can be bad life can be good life can be different like it shuld the moments have faded deep in side and thats something u will have to hide crazi days loveli nites hopes n dreams love n fight this is the day that goes 4 ever espeacially when were together *-friendship-*

i dont remember how we started talkin i dont remember who got along with who first all i remember is how we ALL came together & became best friends forever

WhEre WoULd I Be WiToUt y0u ..PrObABlY DeAd.. AsH* W/OAlIsoN* thAtZ A ViSiOn NeVa In maH HeAd-*

Sum Friends Come and go But real friends Leave their foot prints on your heart to let you that they are your true friends

- ChiCz BeFoRe DiCkZ - - BeLLaZ BeFoReFeLLaZ - - SiStAhZ BeFoReMiStAhZ - - HoEz BeFoReBrOz - - SoRRy FeLLaz ThAtZ HoW iT GoEz -

F is for friends who do stuff together U is for you and me N is for anywhere anytime at all down here in the deep blue sea

dUnT hAtE On Us ...WeRe . F . A . B . U . L . O . U . S .

*mE N mAh GuRLs WeRe SeNt FroM HeAvEn BacKiN EaCh oThA uP 24/7 *MeSs WiT mE oR 1 of mAh CrEw* oH ShyT hUnni, iD hAtE 2 B U!

..:Sleep all daii...rock all night:.. ..:Secrets Lies Swears n Fights:.. ..:Through thick and thinalwaiiz tru:.. ..:I luv u girls n id die for you:..

•º••º••º••º••º••º••º••º••º••º• I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends, I'm surrounded by them, I call them my best friends •º••º••º••º••º••º••º••º••º••º•

always together can say whatever well always be *bEsT fRiEnDz 4~EvA*

Smiles And Tears, Giggles And Laughs. Late Night Calls And Cute Photographs. I'll Be There For U Till Da Day Of My Death. Best Gurlies Forever Till My Very Last Breath.

ThRo TrUth-LiEs-SMiLeS-n-DiSpAiR a HuG-a GiGgLe-a hOwS mY HaiR I kNo uL B tHeR tiL tHe End My SiStAz 4 Eva-My TrU BeSt FrIeNd-

~*A FrIeNd iS SomEoNe wHo cAn mAkE u LaUgH EvEn wHeN yOu ThiNk yOu'LL nEvEr SmILe AgAiN. tHaT's WhY iS mY bEsTeSt FrIeNd.~*