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PaGe OnE

Cross my heart Hope to die Clothez and makeup Boyz and liez 4ever there until the end Is my definition of True Best Friends

Standing [by] All the [way] Here to [help] you through [your] day [Holding] you up When you are [weak [Helping] you find what it is you seek Catching your [tears] When you [cry] Pulling you [through] when the tide is [high] [Absorbing] your voice When you [talk] Standing by when you [learn] to walk Just [being] there Through [thick] and [thin] All just to say, you are my [friend]

I don't gotta list them They know who they be My Girls, I love them They mean the world to me!

×°º°×we laugh 2getha×°º°× ×°º°×we cry togetha×°º°× ×°º°×N gurl i hope we ×°º°× ×°º°× die togetha×°º°×

.:*'`*:.Best Friends Forever.:*'`*:.

A stranger stabs you in the front. A boyfriend stabs you in the heart. A friend stabs you in the back, But best friends don't carry knives

* smiles -n- tears.. giggles -n- laughs late nite phone calls -n- cute photographs ill be there for you until the day after my death Bbf untill mi very last breath!

«..*")fRiEnDs tRy tO PrOVe Ur Not A ReTaRdEd psYcHopAtH ("*..» «..*")BeSt FrIendS JuS sHarE thE rEtArdEdNesS wItH yOu("*..»

. . u quyz r . . .:[[ iRrEpLaCabLe ]]:. . Lindsay | Ashley | Amanda . ^ best friends ^ x0 f o r e v e r 0x

•×Of all the Friends I've Ever Metו •×You're the One I Won't 4getו •×If I Die b4 You Doו •×i'll Go 2 Heaven and Wait 4 Youו •×i'll Give the Angels Back Their Wingsו •×and Risk the Loss of Everythingו •×Just 2 Prove my Friendship is Trueו •×and Show How Much I Care for Youו

Ooº°'°ºoO-Ooº°'°ºoO y0u ThInK y0u g0tTa IdEa oF wHaT A BeSt FrIeNd cAn d0 UnTiL y0u g0t mInE y0u hAvE . n 0 c L u E . Ooº°'°ºoO-Ooº°'°ºoO

i wAs wiTh u befOre & wiLl be tiLl The end nOthing cOuld ever replaCe mY b e s t * f r i e n d

NTER>*..I LuV mY gUrLz MoRe DeN LiFe ItZsELf WiThOuT tHeM i DoN't KnO wUt I'd Do.. ThEy HeLp Me UnDeRsTaNd MySeLf..*