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PaGe OnE

b0y; ¹a mean person who treats girls badly ²a person who is perverted and athletic {syn}- jerk and stuck-up

I hurt
I cry
I fall
I'm scared
I'm worried
I'm sad
I'm happy
I'm different
I change
I grow
I heal
I laugh

uNcOnDiTiOnAl *StUfF tHaT nEvEr FaDeS* jEaLoUslY iN pEoPlE tHaT wIlL aLwaYz HaTe Im In ThIs LyFe FoR gOoD iM nOt GoIn AwAy U cAn SaY wHaTeVeR tHe HeLl U nEeDa SaY iTs NoT mY fAulT hAtIn On Me Is HoW * u SpEnD uR eNtIrE dAy *

th0ugh life is c0mplicated itz 0nly wut y0u make it t0 be

why is it that when A boy is a playa he's considered a pro? But,when a girl takes a turn she's considered a hoe

i DoNt WaNt DiAmOnDs oR pEarlz i DoNt WaNt tHe WoRLd i JuSt wAnT SoMeOnE tO LoVe Me AnD CaLL mE ThEiR -BaByGiRL-

Im A Booty Shakin × Heart Breakin × Pretty Hott × Never Stop × Short Skirt × Love To Flirt × Angel Maybe × Spoiled Baby

DoNt WaLk bEhInD mE uR nOT mY sLaVe DoNt WaLk NeXt tO mE wErE nOT EqUaL bUt PLEASE wALk In FrOnT oF mE... cOz DAMN u GoT a NiCe aZz

ItZ nOt CaLLeD ShOwIn OfF... ItZ CaLLeD U BeIn MaD CaUsE u CaN'T dO iT...

....dReam BabY.... your stare * those eyes [lo0k @ me] :::¤**¤. dayDream sCaLe.¤**¤:::

CaTcH uR bReAtH PiNcH uR WrIst yEa iTz tRu i dO eXiSt .:* *:. : * *:. .:*

-:¦:- BLiNG BLiNG -:¦:- -:¦:- Iz a HoT GrL -:¦:- -:¦:- ThaNg -:¦:-

$ hOeS r jEaLoUs oF mA bEaUtY, pImPs dRoOl aLl oVeR mA bOoTy!! $

Call me a prep, call me a whore Call me a slut, a freak for sure All these labels come my way But this is me and how I`ll stay Always and forever a shorty, you see I`m sorry u guyz but this is just me

*-. .KiSsAbLe LiPs -N- BlAzIn eYeZ..-* *-.. SeXy aZz N LuCiOuS ThiGhZ..-* *-..BaBy iM WuT u FanTaSiZ..-*

iVe BeeN gOiN HaLf cRaZi 4 yer LoVe & i WaS toLd ThAt tHa SeX iS bEttEr tHaN dRuGs ~ThEn GeT * A D D I C T E D *~ BoY LiStEn . . . . iM tHa 0nLy PiEcE oF tHa PuZzLe » » yAh MiSsIn « «