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Black Sand County

After Herocia and Killheart had vanished, you had noticed a sign reading Black Sand County--THIS WAY 2 1/2 MILES. An arrow on the sign points to the south-west. Not knowing what else to do, you follow it. As you travel, you notice that the air becomes thin, dry and dusty, and hard to breath. The wind is very strange indeed: it alternates between being cold and harsh, and uncomfortably hot. Finally you reach a wealthy-seeming town on the edge of an expansive desert. There are camels everywhere--some camels pull wagons through the cobble-stoned streets, while others bear fancily dressed men and women perched on ornate saddles. From the humans you see everywhere, you decide that they rule this county. Heavy, iron gray clouds block out the sky, yet it doesn't rain. A chilly, restless wind blows, making you shiver. You see a large building at the end of the main street. A sign hangs above the door. It reads Dark Horse Inn, and beneath it a smaller sign says Traveler's Reststop. Since you are a traveler, and you need a rest, you hurry up to the huge front door and push it open. The atmosphere inside is smoky and warm, and you relax slightly. But only slightly, for you do notice some dangerous-looking characters--namely, gnarl-faced ogres--slumping and snoring around a table in the corner, empty beer-tankards in front of them. ~+~ You must sign the guest book to be accepted. This means writing in your name, age, height, hair/eye color, personality, and (optional) history, companion and powers. You must also write what species you are. ~+~ After you sign the guestbook you sit at a table and rest, gazing at the odd characters around you, and--though your mother wouldn't approve--eavesdropping. You find out that this county is ruled by King Lorgra and Queen Thade, and they have one child--a nine-year-old son, Prince Nethlar. Although water is scarce around here, and whatever species you are, you must be tough to survive, it is a wealthy county . . . and, of course, purely Evil.

The Rules
Joining Inn
Dragon Tavern
Rose Arrow Pub
Liongate Park
Blackwind Cemetary
Peace Valley
The Battlefield
Disasters, Blessings and Quests
The Dragon's Lair
Honored Members
Moranna's Cottage
The Many Lands