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the empty suit


destiny v2

destiny v1 (originally "no more children"

The Empty Suit

Greed consumed your soul.Stand up for whats right. Don't give in. Your heart was pure; what happened? Greed consumed your soul. At last you have built your mansion...but, at what cost? How many have suffered at your hands? Greed consumed your soul. Have you any decency? You've destroyed they're futures. Your life is unjust, your life must end. How many have suffered at your hands..


quick note: this was the first song I wrote, but redone recently; the lryics didn't change. thusly, gayness.

The decedent lies. The incorpreal feeling of serenity escapes them, incontinent darkness feeds off the minds of the weak, of the ignorant, of the thieving, the juggernaut of hatred grows by the mass of the evil persons on this world. Witness the sustain of evil in the world. Witness the challenge for the pure. The innocent die, the greedy survive, they gave themselves to lies, they're dead inside.


Wishing for things I can't afford, my eyes are blank, staring only brings me pain. I can only see lust, see the future I'll never have. I know its my fault, that makes it worse, I can only blame myself. Dreams for the weak, its the new me, I'm the fragile my. In my eyes, roses don't have thorns, I see the beauty but not the price. What a waste. .what.a.waste. My dreams could become reality if I only tried to succeed, if I tried to succeed. .what.a.waste. My mind is cluttered with these thoughts, these awful truths. I'll be alone, because I'm not strong. I'll die alone, without you, with the path I've chosen at least. I can change my future, but I'd have to work..

No More Children

Falling upon shiny, silvery streets, technically advanced leaves don't crumble, they only make the road stronger. The only reason they fall is to simulate the feeling of the past. Roses don't have thorns, they've been genetically enhanced to appease to the impatient, unpolite and spoiled masses. Sustance is manufactured in former elementary school buildings. The only reason exist is to simulate the feeling of the past, of the past. Nobody dies, nobody lives.

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