Recent News

7/10/03-The video has been uploaded and can be downloaded now! So go ahead and check it out and tell me if its good on the message board! peace.

7/10/03-I lowered the video from 34MB to only 7MB, amazing. Now I'm gonna upload it into the website so it can be downloaded. After you watch the video be sure to rate it in the message board.

 7/9/03-A LeBron James Highschool Highlight tape might be available soon, if I find it. lol I think I lost it though but if I do find it, I'll put it on as soon as possible.

7/8/03-BiG TyMeRs Vol I is done, featuring the song "Basketball" by Bow Wow. Vince Carter, Tracy McGrady, Michael Jordan, and Skip to My Lou, are some of the players in this video. It is 5+ minutes long (2 minute credits..sorry), 3+ minutes of video. I'll fix the credits and make them shorter. But for now just deal with it ;). Well whoever has ideas for the next Vol, please leave a suggestion on the message board.

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