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Opponent: Vs. Sparkle
Show: SCW Hostility
Ajinamoto Stadium
Stipulation: Divas Match


Blonde Bombshell

Music Video Codes by

Location: Malibu, California/Tokyo, Japan
Purpose: Platinum Blonde Life goes to Japan

{The episode starts in Malibu, California at Katie’s home as Katie walks out of her room wearing blue jeans and a nice shirt from the Graven Image collection as her manager Gina Pierce follows behind her as they walk down the stairs.}

Bombshell: Gina, what are you so worried about?

Gina Pierce: All I am saying is maybe you should have read the contract before agreeing with Adam.

Bombshell: You been saying that all week and it does not matter what you say Gina. It doesn’t matter about Adam and it doesn’t matter about me, well exactly I always matter, but this situation it is about my fans and on Hostility it is all for them.

Gina Pierce: Ok, well if you and Adam agreed on this then why did you have to sign a contract?

{Katie stops at the bottom of the stairs and thinks for a second.}

Bombshell: You ask too many questions and Adam is a very nice guy and a great General Manager on Hostility. He is nothing like in the WWE Desire. No, you thought you could win my Women’s championship there.

Gina Pierce: Katie, I did win.

Bombshell: Gina will you stop looking at the past. I have a Diva’s match this week on Hostility in Tokyo, Japan (stands in the living room and looks around) where is Jessica and Gigi?

Gina Pierce: Gigi is at school and Jessica is at work.

Bombshell: Oh well that is good and going to Japan I know Jessica can take care of Gigi. It is just I am facing Sparkle, Gina. Now I can not lose to Sparkle, do you know what that would do to my career? I can not even think what would happen because it is so impossible.

Gina Pierce: Right, of course it is.

Bombshell: I mean I can not let Gigi grow up in a world where someone like Sparkle has a win over the Goddess of Desire and one my debut match on Hostility none the less. So Gina do you understand that in Japan I can not lose to Sparkle. My Japanese fans are going to be there and I can not . . . wait does Japan have Goddess’s?

Gina Pierce: I don’t think so, Katie. They have an Emperor.

Bombshell: (exhales) my poor fans all the way in Japan. They have never seen anything as beautiful as me over there. Which means Hostility is going to be extra special this Saturday night when I beat Sparkle.

Gina Pierce: Well then we should be going then.

Bombshell: Ok, wait I got a great idea (Gina looks at Katie) Ok, let’s go.

{Katie walks by Gina as she leaves her home. Gina turns and follows Katie out and closes the door behind her as the episode ends.}

{The next scene opens up outside the Japan Airport in Tokyo as walking out of the airport is Katie Steward as she is wearing her beautiful white coat with two butterflies on each side of it and follow by her manager Gina Pierce. Behind Katie walks out her sister Jessica Steward and Katie’s little sister from the Big Sister program Gigi as they all stand on the sidewalk of the airport.}

Jessica Steward: Wow, Japan . . .

Bombshell: I bet we are going to be huge here. Everyone knows that American Celebrities are big with the Japanese audience and being the very first Goddess that they set their eyes on. I am going to be bigger than . . . than . . . Gina who is the biggest people that has ever come out of Japan.

Gina Pierce: Uh . . . hmm . . . Godzilla?

Gigi: Godzilla isn’t a human.

Gina Pierce: Yeah, but if Katie is going to be bigger than something. She is going to want to be bigger than Godzilla.

Bombshell: I like it, then the papers on Sunday Morning are going to read “Goddesszilla invades . . .” Gina what arena is it?

Gina Pierce: Ajinamoto Stadium.

Bombshell: Right, I can just see it now . . .

{Katie stares off in the distance as she begins to imagine her idea. At the Ajinamoto Stadium fans start to walk into the arena for the Hostility show as suddenly Katie Steward appears from behind the stadium as she is bigger than Godzilla. The fans stop and stare as Japanese subtitles appear as they point and say Goddesszilla. Her foot comes down on some citizen as she stare at odd in her beauty and the imagination ends as Katie Steward still looks off in the distance with a confused look.}

Gigi: Maybe it would have been better to name a celebrity instead of a monster.

Jessica Steward: I think that would have been the best solution to this problem.

Gina Pierce: I am sorry for that.

Jessica Steward: Well Katie, where are all of your fans? Shouldn’t they be running and screaming to you?

Bombshell: We are only at the airport, they will not go crazy till like the city and they are all speechless at how beautiful I am.

Gigi: Can we go to the hotel now and then go see the sights?

Bombshell: Of course, but the best sight will not be till Saturday night when I make my debut and hear the fans go crazy over me and did I tell I have a special surprise for all my fans on Hostility too.

Gigi: Yes, you have told us about it on the plane, but you didn’t tell us what it was. I think it is a Women’s title shot.

Jessica Steward: I am going with another movie role for the Goddess.

Bombshell: You are both wrong. Besides this is my one and only appearances on Hostility. Which it is good because I am not allowed near Celeste Camini and I can not really trust myself to agree to that, but with Gina I am going to make sure that I beat Sparkle, because she is going to be extra sneaky as she always is to try an beat me.

{As they stand on the sidewalk outside the airport a shuttle bus pulls up. The driver steps out of the bus and helps put there bags in the compartment as they walk onto the bus and sit in the front.}

Bombshell: Gina, this is the sixth time I am facing Sparkle and you know something, she has never beaten me and now she has her chance to try it again and ruin my debut on Hostility, my debut in Japan and this is after I was involved in one of the most brutal Women’s matches in the SCW and you know what that says Gina.

Gina Pierce: No, I don’t. What does it mean, Katie?

Bombshell: It means that I deserve to be the Women’s Champion even though that right now I do not have it. Oh sure Celeste has a match against some male wrestler on Hostility, but that does not make her a diva. Celeste is a wrestler and that is the only reason she beat me. All the other women in the SCW they are not wrestlers and they can not beat me, because I am the best diva in the SCW. Sparkle has Jay Gold to help her with her career, but I have had Shawn Winters and Chad Evans. You see how Sparkle has not been able to beat me in the SCW yet.

Gina Pierce: Well I guess that is a good example of it.

Gigi: Katie, what are some sights to see in Japan?

Bombshell: Well there is . . . uh, I don’t know.

Gigi: Ok, well what happen to Violator?

Bombshell: Well I think it is best that we do not think about what Violator is up to. We are here in the Big Apple, we should have fun.

Gina Pierce: Uh Katie, New York is the Big Apple. Japan is the land of the rising sun.

Bombshell: Oh, well I guess that would make more sense then, but after this weekend it will be known as the land that the Goddess visit and the people here will be saying that it was the most beautiful thing they have ever seen.

Gina Pierce: Of course you are. 

{Gina leans her head back in the seat as the shuttle bus pulls up to a nice hotel. They make their way off the bus and collect their bags and then they walk into the Hotel as the scene fades.}

{The scene opens inside there hotel room as they walk through the door. Gina puts their bags in the closet as Gigi and Jessica walk over to the beds.}

Bombshell: Ok well it is late and Jessica, you and Gigi should go to sleep and then tomorrow take her to see the sights and remember to come and watch my match.

Jessica Steward: I know Katie, I will not forget. I am the responsible one.

{Katie looks at Jessica as time speeds up to later in the night and they are sleeping in the beds. The camera focuses on Katie as she lies there asleep. The scene appears to go wavy as we enter Katie’s dream. It is a couple of months later as the SCW gets ready for Rise to Greatness pay per view. Sparkle is seen walking into the arena with Jay Gold as she is mob by reporters and holds the SCW Women’s Championship belt on her shoulder as the fans inside the arena goes crazy. The scene changes as Gina Pierce walks down a hall way and she is dressed very beautifully, her hair nicely done as she appears to be beautiful. Gina walks into Katie’s dressing room as Katie is sitting on the floor as she wears white pants and a white top and looking down at the floor.}

Gina Pierce: Katie, how are you feeling this, well you know?

Bombshell: Gina, this is your entire fault. I do not even know how Sparkle is getting all the attention. Ever since she beat me in Japan the fans love her and she has the title and all of this is like a horrible dream and worst thing of all is even you look hotter than me.

Gina Pierce: Well Katie, you should see what happens to you in my dreams then.

Bombshell: (confused) what?

Gina Pierce: You are dreaming right now.

Bombshell: Well duh Gina I know this couldn’t possibly be reality, pay attention will you.

Gina Pierce: Right, I am sorry.

{Katie sits on the floor as the scene begins to go wavy as the dream ends and Katie wakes up in the bed. She sits up and rubs her eyes.}

Bombshell: Ewww that was a horrible dream.

{The Hotel room door opens as Gina walks in.}

Gina Pierce: Oh good you are up. Well Jessica and Gigi just left to go see some sight and we should get to the arena soon.

Bombshell: Ok, well I just had a horrible dream and if it becomes reality, well let’s just say someone is going to pay with their blood.

{Katie gets out of bed as she walks towards the bathroom so she could get ready to leave for the arena as she walks by Gina.}

Gina Pierce: So you are going to kill someone if you lose to Sparkle?

Bombshell: Of course I am not going to kill anyone that is what Violator does for me. Besides I am a Goddess so if anything, it would be a sacrifice.

Gina Pierce: Right.

{The door closes as time passes and it is a half an hour later as the door opens again and Katie steps out as she is ready to head to the arena.}

Bombshell: Ok, I am ready to go.

{Katie and Gina walk to the hotel room door and Gina opens it up.}

Gina Pierce: So Katie what happen in this dream of yours?

Bombshell: Just the aftermath of Sparkle beating me tonight and also you and Chad were together.

Gina Pierce: Oh that is a horrible dream.

{Katie walks out of the hotel room and Gina follows her out and closes the door behind her as the episode ends.}


|#| Information And Stats |#|

Contact Information:
AIM: bigbadweaseldadd
MSN: Dresser Boys


Roleplay Information:

No#: 027
Title: PBL Goes to Japan
Alignments: Explicit Content

WWE Career:
{Blonde Bombshell} Katie

 W: 010 L: 003 D: 001

People Beaten: Any Diva that thought she was better

People Beat Me: Jealous Divas

WWE Titles Won:#: Katie  Women's Championship

Other Awards: Slammy Award
"Heel Diva of the year"

SCW Most Rememarable:

- 2005 SCW Female of the Year

- SCW Women's Champion
           (Aug. 21 - Dec. 11)

- 2nd Longest Reign as Women's Champion             (112 Days)

- Debuting in 2005 at Taking Hold of the Flame

- Winning the SCW Women's Championship at Apocalypse

WWE Most Rememarable:

- Being In Evolution With The Great Shawn Winters.

- Being the only WWE superstar to host Saturday Night Live.

- Being Shawn Winters assistant and helping him with his Yoga.

- The only Diva to have her own television show called "Platinum Blonde Life".

- One of four members of the O.W.N.

- Wrestling at Wrestlemania 21 against Cammy for a one night only event.