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The Uber Tome of Nothing
Thursday, 13 January 2005
Mood:  amorous

"Welcome back."

Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 4:02 PM WST
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Wednesday, 13 October 2004
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Music?
Greetings people.

First of all, I would like to state that the author, Soct, as he is known to this blog, cannot perform his duty, aka posting his rantings about himself or other petty stuff, this week and the week after and the week after and so on, until further notice. This is because of him being motivationally challenged (read:procratinating). And because of Angelfire not allowing him to upload pictures and images and photos and whatnots so that he could produce a better and more comment-prone post. That kind of washed down his raging yearning to blog. And so, I declare him taking a week or so off, and this blog is under temporary hiatus, well, under further notice. Thank you for reading and taking the time to read.

By the way, the following is a special note to Ainaa and Ivy and Anisah. Of the Three + One fame:-

Hey Peepeeel!! Sorry la guys. I think I'm taking a leave lar. So don't expect me to update 3+1. Cause I ran out of ideas and futhermore, there's no one reading it, so don't fear about getting mails due to the cease of updates..XD. Anyway, update la if you guys want. Okay? Byeeeee!!!1

And there you go.

Thanks again for reading. I'm sure he will appreciate it.


Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 6:37 PM JST
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Thursday, 7 October 2004
# 100
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Hero
Can't believe it's the hundredth post already. Well, actually there should be a little something for you readers out there (if there's any, that is. It seems to me that all of my frequent readers are extinct now, gone forever and never will leave a comment anymore...), but, you know, I'm still in the period of examination. Pfft.

So, let's get a summary of what happened this week done.

Monday, 4th October 2004
The first paper, Malay. Arrived at school at around 7.10, with a few many people gathering around the foyers for last minute discussions. I, myself, was in a discussion. Of how are you feeling, what do you think will come out, so and so, yada blah. You know, the cliched pre-exam phrases.

The paper was pretty ohkay. Of course there was some head-scratching and slumping, but, yeah, (hope) I managed to do okay. Essay writing was fine too, but who knows how the examiners mark. A good essay in my point of view might be a grade D for the examiners. :S Let's just cross fingers, I guess.

Tuesday, 5th October 2004
English paper. Perhaps the easiest paper to score? I dunno. Anyway, reached school at the same time, and same people gathered around to discuss, but I didn't really read/discuss anything. Because my friends unceasingly fed information to my already packed brain.

So the plural for cactus is cacti. First paper was pretty easy (I'm not the only one who think so) the second was...something new. We had to write a talk and an article. Not the usual exercises we did in class. Nevetheless, I think we managed to do it. After all we did know the format from our BM exercises.

Wednesday, 6th October 2004
The day's discussion was more intense. Almost everyone had a book in his hands. I only read from the Last Minute Notes. I was telling everyone the subjective paper is going to be easy, since this is the first time they are implementing subjective questions to our exam. Hell was I wrong.

The objective was okay, apart from one or two (or more, depends on the situation) silly mistakes. But subjective was a real killer. For a moment I thought I was going to leave the one of the questions blank. Never thought they would ask us to draw APPARATUS FOR EXTRACTING THE STEEL FROM ITS OXIDE. I was like, whoa, bulgebulgesweatsweat. 'Twas crazy. But luckily I figured out the solution just before the time's up. That teaches me not to underestimate the government's frame of mind and its willingness to perform cruelty on the students' tender ones. On a brighter note, Geography, which was in the afternoon, wasn't as hard as I expected it to be.

Today, 7th October 2004
Discussions back to normal state. Today was Math and History. Math, okay, History, tough. The latter required us to think much, in my opinion. I forgot some of my facts, and therefore some regrettable mistakes were made. I could do better, if I had the motivation to study the whole textbook in detail. But I'm content I didn't get that much mistakes. But, what the heaven, the exam is not done yet and here I go being content.

Tomorrow, 8th October 2004 the Malaysian Idol Final! And I'm going Genting to watch it!!1 Thanks to Kok Hou! But of course, before that, I have my Living Skills to be endured. So yea, one last paper before I can declare freedom. Oh yes, I can't wait for the last second of it. Emmm..yummy.

So there you have it. A week's worth of update! =D

I miss the comments.


Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 5:11 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 7 October 2004 5:18 PM JST
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Wednesday, 22 September 2004
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Pulangkan - Misha Omar
I've touched this issue for god-knows how many times. And now I'm reposting this subject for the umpteenth time.

What exactly do exams want? No, what do they want from the candidates? I'm talking about those objective and subjective papers of the study subjects (ie, Geography). Getting 100/100 or so, regardless of how you do it, just do it. Or rather, testing your knowledge (but believe me, it has nothing to do with your intelligence quotient) and your understanding after a certain semester, OR can it be a tool to test your speed of regurgitating evrything you've learnt thus far?

If the main objective of examinations is to ensure each and every student gets distinctions in every subjects, then it has failed miserably. On the other hand, if exams are to test your knowledge and your understanding (aside from putting your SRP - Super Rationalizing Powers - to a test), well, I can say that it has succeeded with flying colours, because the only reason why we take exams is to test our own understanding. Or so we thought.

But how about the speed of regurgitating? Well, I understand this subject but I take a longer time to put my thoughts into words. So is that the mission of tests? To see how fast you can put what you have learnt onto the dreadful test papers? Well, that, obviously, is one of the many reasons why we dread exams. We need time, sirs and madames. Only that we can gradually figure out the solution. But, I don't really think this is the primary motive. Really.

So exams are to test your knowledge and your understanding in subjects. Well what if I really understand this subject on reproduction, but suddenly I can't remember the reason testicles are placed outside of the body. And so since I truly understand the subject, it's okay for me to take a peek at the girl-on-my-right's paper. What? It's wrong and it's called cheating? Well who cares. I understand the subject fully, just that I can't remember my facts well. So what's wrong, peepel?

So what ARE exams actually? To test your knowledge, or to test your memory? Perhaps it's something between those two? If it's so, then what exactly is the use of exams? Oh yeah, it serves as a medium to measure your brainpower. Snort I will.

Nowadays we barely study for knowledge. We merely study to ace an exam. But that's not the point of this whole post.

The point is, is it alright to ask/seek/peek for answers during an examination?

So yeah, we study and we study, we do exercises and get demerited because we didn't complete our homework, and we revise and we study, but in the end we turn out to forget certain things. And then we copy.

So, have you studied for your exam?


Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 4:11 PM JST
Updated: Wednesday, 22 September 2004 4:20 PM JST
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Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Feels Like Falling - Mei Chern cousin from Sabah is here to spend his...

My cousin is here to stay with us. How cool is that. Reyeally cool.

So now I might be sharing my room with him. Brilliant, so now I got to taste how it feels like sharing a room with a 20-year-old working young adult. Come to think of it, it's not that bad, actually. At least...well, at least I know I got a cousin from Sabah.

So yeah, this Saturday I'm going to play the guitar again, for this Form Five Grad Day. I'm dueting with Shao Min, and this time let's just hope I can be heard.

Tomorrow's the Math GG. I hope they won't ask questions I do not know what formula to use.

Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 12:13 AM JST
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Tuesday, 14 September 2004
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Voices in my head
I cannot believe this.

I'm being linked to damaged, a famous webcomic in the States. And I actually got a reply from the artist herself. And being actually given a compliment on the site really made me shriek in ecstasy gave me a boost of confidence, in some way. I am speechless and I have not any words to describe.

And for two, Tuton is being visited by a Canadian and a Kiwi, most probably Suyi, and by an unknown visitor from an unkown continent/country.

This is crazy. I'm getting visited and there goes the Guestbook not working properly. Thank you, Alxnet! I owe you one!!1

Now that the ecstasy is gradually subsiding, I can finally end this post.

Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 11:39 PM JST
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Sunday, 12 September 2004
Announcement peepel.
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Malaysian Idols singing.
Okay peepel listen up, I gotta hurry.

Syaf asked me today "Why words?" referring to the short URL to Tuton: Volume 1.2. I said, because is being used for the blog. And then she said, matter-of-factly, "Why don't you just switch em!"

So yeah, I switched em. Wonder why I didn't thought of that before. So now..., aka the blog, is under < >

Whereas,, aka Tuton: Vol 1.2, is under < >

So, peepel! Get everything the right order! Change your settings and whatever!

That's all. Thanks Syaf. I owe you one, guru.

Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 10:40 PM JST
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Evolution Muahaha.
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Love Is Only A Feeling in my head.
Herlow peeeps. It's been a long long loooooong time since I last posted a decent entry. I received many threats, complaints and whatnots because of me not updating. You see, for one, exams are everytime (yet I find time to come online), and the Major is another 21 days. For two, I'm currently busy with a project with a bunch of girlfriends called 3+1 - a fictitious blog. It's clearly more fun writing fictions than ranting about my already fictitious life. Whatever that means.

And for three, I am less motivated nowadays.

So, to compensate, I'm bringing forward the launching date.

[ Behold!: Bigger, Better, Thicker ]

I give you Tuton: Volume 1.2, otherwise known as Tuton: Galleria (or in Japanese, Tuton: Y?Y?YeYe?`). It serves as a display site for me to put up my writings, my arts and the whatevers. Oh, and I decided to give it a shorter URL similar to Tuton (this one). So, for future reference, the address is, with or without the http-double dots-slash-slash, it doesn't really matter. And, I had to take off the music because many computers can't cope with the abuse of superloading.

Okay, first things aside, now let's talk about The Darkness. I don't know if I'd mentioned it in the blog before, but I really reyeally dislike singers going partially nude in music videos and concerts. I understand their need to show off their bulky bods, but talk about those stick-thin singers, like Justin Hawkins, showing off their ribcages. Please, seriously, what's there to show? Ok, I know he can sing, that's why Love IOAF is stuck in my head, but...geezs. Sorry if I've gone too far. But anyone who agress with me hands up please.

Next, I would want to talk about this particular parent who wrote a letter to The Star under Youth2, saying that bloggin sure hurts, and she disagrees totally to the use of blogs. The reason? Because she saw what her daughter wrote about her mother in her blog, and the comments by her friends. And so she was hurt, and now she hates the idea of blogging. And so, this is one of the many many many replies the week after the letter was published:

Be open to blogs

I DON'T completely agree with Upset Parent (Blogging sure hurts, Letters, Youth2, Sept 1). A blog is for expressing thoughts and views. We might not agree with what is said but it is the blogger's opinion.

All the things our kids have said might be untrue but it doesn't mean that they can't say it out loud. What they say might be wrong and outrageous, but nobody should prevent them from expressing themselves. We can't blame them for seeing things based on their understanding because we do the same thing. It's just that we know more, have more experience and know the responsibility of being an adult. That's why there are parents; so that we can guide them.

I think blogging gives the blog reader a chance to understand the world from other people's point of view.

Blogging actually reveals who our kids might be mixing with at school. Have our kids ever told us what they think of us? Isn't it great to know what they are thinking about rather than not knowing that they are actually lying to us?

I can't accept [referring to the comments by the daughter's friends] 'slap your mom' but 'if you think you are right, you should fight for it' is advice we can all use. They might apply it in the wrong situation but with suitable guidance from parents, they can achieve great things in the future.

It might be too late to change things if the kid has reached 15 but we can still do something about it. Not knowing does not mean it's not there. Our kids will still make judgements based on what they knew, and for them to keep it all to themselves is certainly not a good thing.

LCH, Selangor.

Well, I think LCH made sense better than the parent, but that doesn't mean the parent is utterly wrong. Somehow, someway, she has the right to hate blogs. So let us just not put the blame on that poor lady, not that you are going to anyway.

I was attacked by flu and cough again. I'm getting better, but nevertheless, I still can't smell properly. I can't taste food or drink. I can only taste the texture, not the, well, taste.

I need to study. I seriously need to.

Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 10:50 AM JST
Updated: Sunday, 12 September 2004 11:03 AM JST
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Friday, 20 August 2004
Mood:  cool
Now Playing: The TV drama is on


Now Angelfire has more new features!! DAYUMN! That's what I call...KIASUNESS!

Cool cool I feel like I'm blogging at LiveJournal. Or at Blogger. This is coolness. Fire rawks my sawks!<3

Oh, and by the way, have a lil' photo-ed sketch. Teehee. I feel so warm inside.

I know it's bad quality, but bare with me until the day I own my very own scanner, which I shall call...Afgahahah. ('_')



Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 10:09 PM JST
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Thursday, 19 August 2004
I was feeling so good this morning. I was feeling so good until the last few minutes.

Suddenly I feel depression. I feel so not myself. Tranquility oozed out of me like rain from heavy clouds.

Why is it so hard to drill notes into my wrecked brain? Why is it so hard to answer some History trivia? Why is it so hard for me to have someone to understand me truly, unabridged? Why is it so hard for me to understand people?

Why is it so hard to be contented?

I saw a candle on the roadside on my way home from tuition. It was the candle to guide the spirit of someone's departed loved one back home. The candle that indicated death.

Then I thought to myself. What if suddenly I drop dead, and will my 'someone' light a candle to guide me home? Will my 'someone' mourn for me not for a week, a month, but forever? Will I get the chance to attain my dreams 'up there'? My dream to be contented, is unattainable right here, right now. I will never be contented, as long as I can't satisfy my crave fulfil my yearnings.

I do have options. I can either sulk and fret and continue to be depressed, or forget everything evil, read the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, be proactive, and get my arse ready for my English paper tomorrow.

Obviously. Options can be easy sometimes.


Posted by magic/beliv_in_no1 at 11:21 PM JST
Updated: Thursday, 19 August 2004 11:24 PM JST
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