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Bring Back Sirius Black

........ I solemnly swear I am up to no good ....

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12/24/04: Happy Holidays, everyone! I'm working a lot more on SiriusBlack1330 so check him out! I've been working a little more on getting more fanfiction, too - if you have some for the site, please email about it! ^_^ Also, I deleted the site address. If you have any questions or want to email me, just use my address.

Hello! You have managed to find the Bring Back Sirius Black hompage. Bring Back Sirius Black is a small group of people who wish that Sirius Black never died in Order of the Phoenix. Basically, this is just a tiny shrine to Sirius Black! Also, Bring Back Sirius Black is working on a Fan Fiction and Fan Art section, where people from around the world can submit their stories and artwork about Sirius Black!

The Sirius Black AIM Bot is back online! His screen name is SiriusBlack1330, and so far he has over 50 Sirius Black related replies! You can talk to him via AIM or just use the box on the bottom of this page.

"Look to the night sky, and the brightest star you see amidst the BLACK is SIRIUS."

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